Ultrasonic study of adsorption in polysaccharide (starch) metabolism
Ultrasonic study of adsorption in polysaccharide (starch) metabolism
Starch metabolism due to adsorption of enzyme amylase on the starch substrate is outlined briefly. To explore the necessary conditions required for effective adsorption in biological media, ultrasonic techniques have been applied to elucidate the structural variations and component destruction in the considered systems. The ability of the enzyme amylase to break the linkages in starch (substrate) was determined from the observed ultrasonic velocity, which highlights the deciding factors of metabolism. It is concluded that the phenomenon of adsorption is decided by the surface area, the number of subunits held by the substrate, and the structure existing in the adsorbent, and above all, a relatively higher quantity of enzyme and the substrate.
acoustic parameters / molecular interaction / adsorption / starch
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