Modification effects of amphiphilic comb-like polysiloxane containing polyether side chains on the PVDF membranes prepared phase inversion process

QIAN Yanling, WANG Jianhua, ZHU Baoku, ZHANG Mei, DU Chunhui, XU Youyi

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Front. Chem. China ›› 2008, Vol. 3 ›› Issue (4) : 432-439. DOI: 10.1007/s11458-008-0078-0

Modification effects of amphiphilic comb-like polysiloxane containing polyether side chains on the PVDF membranes prepared phase inversion process

  • QIAN Yanling, WANG Jianhua, ZHU Baoku, ZHANG Mei, DU Chunhui, XU Youyi
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Amphiphilic comb-like polysiloxane (ACPS) containing polyether side chains was used as the modification reagent in the preparation of hydrophilic porous poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) membranes via a phase inversion process. The effects of ACPS on morphology, crystallinity, mechanical properties, reservation of ACPS in the phase inversion process, chemical structure, hydrophilicity and filterability performance of porous PVDF membranes were discussed. It was found that the addition of ACPS would result in the delayed demixing which yields “sponge-like” sublayers and longer crystallization time during the membrane formation process. It was revealed that O/F ratios of the bulk membrane were almost the same as those of the corresponding casting solutions which obviously indicated the high reservation of ACPS in the membrane formation process. The fact that the O/F ratios in the membrane surface layers were much higher than those in the bulk membrane proved the enrichment of ACPS on the surface. The filterability experiments and water contact angle testing proved the hydrophilicity of the blend membranes. Through a schematic model, the mechanism relating the membrane structure and performance was interpreted. From the observed results, it can be concluded that ACPS acts as a potential candidate material for preparing PVDF membranes with extraordinary hydrophilicity and filterability.

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QIAN Yanling, WANG Jianhua, ZHU Baoku, ZHANG Mei, DU Chunhui, XU Youyi. Modification effects of amphiphilic comb-like polysiloxane containing polyether side chains on the PVDF membranes prepared phase inversion process. Front. Chem. China, 2008, 3(4): 432‒439


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