Models of light absorption enhancement in perovskite solar cells by plasmonic nanoparticles

Daming Zheng, Thierry Pauporté, Catherine Schwob, Laurent Coolen

Exploration ›› 2024, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (1) : 20220146. DOI: 10.1002/EXP.20220146

Models of light absorption enhancement in perovskite solar cells by plasmonic nanoparticles

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Numerous experiments have demonstrated improvements on the efficiency of perovskite solar cells by introducing plasmonic nanoparticles, however, the underlying mechanisms are still not clear: the particles may enhance light absorption and scattering, as well as charge separation and transfer, or the perovskite’s crystalline quality. Eventually, it can still be debated whether unambiguous plasmonic increase of light absorption has indeed been achieved.Here, various optical models are employed to provide a physical understanding of the relevant parameters in plasmonic perovskite cells and the conditions underwhich light absorption may be enhanced by plasmonic mechanisms. By applying the recent generalizedMie theory to gold nanospheres in perovskite, it is shown that their plasmon resonance is conveniently located in the 650–800 nm wavelength range, where absorption enhancement is most needed. It is evaluated for which active layer thickness and nanoparticle concentration a significant enhancement can be expected. Finally, the experimental literature on plasmonic perovskite solar cells is analyzed in light of this theoretical description. It is estimated that only a tiny portion of these reports can be associated with light absorption and point out the importance of reporting the perovskite thickness and nanoparticle concentration in order to assess the presence of plasmonic effects.


enhanced light absorption / perovskite solar cells / plasmonic nanoparticles

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Daming Zheng, Thierry Pauporté, Catherine Schwob, Laurent Coolen. Models of light absorption enhancement in perovskite solar cells by plasmonic nanoparticles. Exploration, 2024, 4(1): 20220146


2023 2023 The Authors. Exploration published by Henan University and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.




