An Overview of Metal–Organic Frameworks for Green Chemical Engineering

Xiang-Jing Kong, Jian-Rong Li

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Engineering ›› 2021, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (8) : 1115-1139. DOI: 10.1016/j.eng.2021.07.001

An Overview of Metal–Organic Frameworks for Green Chemical Engineering

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Given the current global energy and environmental issues resulting from the fast pace of industrialization, the discovery of new functional materials has become increasingly imperative in order to advance science and technology and address the associated challenges. The boom in metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) and MOF-derived materials in recent years has stimulated profound interest in exploring their structures and applications. The preparation, characterization, and processing of MOF materials are the basis of their full engagement in industrial implementation. With intensive research in these topics, it is time to promote the practical utilization of MOFs on an industrial scale, such as for green chemical engineering, by taking advantage of their superior functions. Many famous MOFs have already demonstrated superiority over traditional materials in solving real-world problems. This review starts with the basic concept of MOF chemistry and ends with a discussion of the industrial production and exploitation of MOFs in several fields. Its goal is to provide a general scope of application to inspire MOF researchers to convert their focus on academic research to one on practical applications. After the obstacles of cost, scale-up preparation, processability, and stability have been overcome, MOFs and MOF-based devices will gradually enter the factory, become a part of our daily lives, and help to create a future based on green production and green living.


Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) / Application / Green chemical engineering

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Xiang-Jing Kong, Jian-Rong Li. An Overview of Metal–Organic Frameworks for Green Chemical Engineering. Engineering, 2021, 7(8): 1115‒1139


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