Fast Marching Method for Microseismic Source Location in Cavern-Containing Rockmass: Performance Analysis and Engineering Application

Ruochen Jiang, Feng Dai, Yi Liu, Ang Li

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Engineering ›› 2021, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (7) : 1023-1034. DOI: 10.1016/j.eng.2020.10.019

Fast Marching Method for Microseismic Source Location in Cavern-Containing Rockmass: Performance Analysis and Engineering Application

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Microseismic (MS) event locations are vital aspect of MS monitoring technology used to delineate the damage zone inside the surrounding rock mass. However, complex geological conditions can impose significantly adverse effects on the final location results. To achieve a high-accuracy location in a complex cavern-containing structure, this study develops an MS location method using the fast marching method (FMM) with a second-order difference approach (FMM2). Based on the established velocity model with three-dimensional (3D) discrete grids, the realization of the MS location can be achieved by searching the minimum residual between the theoretical and actual first arrival times. Moreover, based on the calculation results of FMM2, the propagation paths from the MS sources to MS sensors can be obtained using the linear interpolation approach and the Runge–Kutta method. These methods were validated through a series of numerical experiments. In addition, our proposed method was applied to locate the recorded blasting and MS events that occurred during the excavation period of the underground caverns at the Houziyan hydropower station. The location results of the blasting activities show that our method can effectively reduce the location error compared with the results based on the uniform velocity model. Furthermore, the obtained MS location was verified through the occurrence of shotcrete fractures and spalling, and the monitoring results of the in-situ multipoint extensometer. Our proposed method can offer a more accurate rock fracture location and facilitate the delineation of damage zones inside the surrounding rock mass.


Fast marching method / Microseismic event location / Cavern-containing complex rock mass / Runge–Kutta method

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Ruochen Jiang, Feng Dai, Yi Liu, Ang Li. Fast Marching Method for Microseismic Source Location in Cavern-Containing Rockmass: Performance Analysis and Engineering Application. Engineering, 2021, 7(7): 1023‒1034


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