SESAR: The Past, Present, and Future of European Air Traffic Management Research

Tatjana Bolić, Paul Ravenhill

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Engineering ›› 2021, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (4) : 448-451. DOI: 10.1016/j.eng.2020.08.023

SESAR: The Past, Present, and Future of European Air Traffic Management Research

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The Single European Sky ATM Research (SESAR) project is the technological pillar of the European Commission's Single European Sky Initiative to modernize air traffic management (ATM). Here, we describe the process of establishing SESAR and the main parts of the project: the research and development (R&D) part, which is led by the SESAR Joint Undertaking; the deployment part, which is managed by the SESAR Deployment Manager; and the European ATM Master Plan, which collects and lays out both the R&D and deployment needs. The latest European ATM Master Plan was adopted just prior to the current pandemic. The huge loss in air traffic due to the pandemic, and the speed of the recovery of the aviation industry will require reprioritization, but the main elements that have been established—particularly those in support of the environment—remain valid.


SESAR / Air traffic management (ATM) / Single European Sky / ATM research and development / ATM solution / Deployment

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Tatjana Bolić, Paul Ravenhill. SESAR: The Past, Present, and Future of European Air Traffic Management Research. Engineering, 2021, 7(4): 448‒451


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