High-Speed Parallel Plasmonic Direct-Writing Nanolithography Using Metasurface-Based Plasmonic Lens

Yueqiang Hu #, Ling Li #, Rong Wang, Jian Song, Hongdong Wang, Huigao Duan, Jiaxin Ji, Yonggang Meng

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Engineering ›› 2021, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (11) : 1623-1630. DOI: 10.1016/j.eng.2020.08.019

High-Speed Parallel Plasmonic Direct-Writing Nanolithography Using Metasurface-Based Plasmonic Lens

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Simple and efficient nanofabrication technology with low cost and high flexibility is indispensable for fundamental nanoscale research and prototyping. Lithography in the near field using the surface plasmon polariton (i.e., plasmonic lithography) provides a promising solution. The system with high stiffness passive nanogap control strategy on a high-speed rotating substrate is one of the most attractive high-throughput methods. However, a smaller and steadier plasmonic nanogap, new scheme of plasmonic lens, and parallel processing should be explored to achieve a new generation high resolution and reliable efficient nanofabrication. Herein, a parallel plasmonic direct-writing nanolithography system is established in which a novel plasmonic flying head is systematically designed to achieve around 15 nm minimum flying-height with high parallelism at the rotating speed of 8–18 m•s−1. A multi-stage metasurface-based polarization insensitive plasmonic lens is proposed to couple more power and realize a more confined spot compared with conventional plasmonic lenses. Parallel lithography of the nanostructures with the smallest ( around 26 nm) linewidth is obtained with the prototyping system. The proposed system holds great potential for high- freedom nanofabrication with low cost, such as planar optical elements and nano-electromechanical systems.


Nanofabrication / Surface plasmon polariton / Lithography / Plasmonic flying head / Plasmonic lens

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Yueqiang Hu #, Ling Li #, Rong Wang, Jian Song, Hongdong Wang, Huigao Duan, Jiaxin Ji, Yonggang Meng. High-Speed Parallel Plasmonic Direct-Writing Nanolithography Using Metasurface-Based Plasmonic Lens. Engineering, 2021, 7(11): 1623‒1630 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eng.2020.08.019


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