Multi-View Point-Based Registration for Native Knee Kinematics Measurement with Feature Transfer Learning

Cong Wang, Shuaining Xie , Kang Li, Chongyang Wang, Xudong Liu, Liang Zhao, Tsung-Yuan Tsai, 蔡宗远

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Engineering ›› 2021, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (6) : 881-888. DOI: 10.1016/j.eng.2020.03.016

Multi-View Point-Based Registration for Native Knee Kinematics Measurement with Feature Transfer Learning

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Deep-learning methods provide a promising approach for measuring in-vivo knee joint motion from fast registration of two-dimensional (2D) to three-dimensional (3D) data with a broad range of capture. However, if there are insufficient data for training, the data-driven approach will fail. We propose a feature-based transfer-learning method to extract features from fluoroscopic images. With three subjects and fewer than 100 pairs of real fluoroscopic images, we achieved a mean registration success rate of up to 40%. The proposed method provides a promising solution, using a learning-based registration method when only a limited number of real fluoroscopic images is available.


2D–3D registration / Machine learning / Domain adaption / Point correspondence

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Cong Wang, Shuaining Xie , Kang Li, Chongyang Wang, Xudong Liu, Liang Zhao, Tsung-Yuan Tsai, 蔡宗远. Multi-View Point-Based Registration for Native Knee Kinematics Measurement with Feature Transfer Learning. Engineering, 2021, 7(6): 881‒888


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