ROS signaling and its involvement in abiotic stress with emphasis on heat stress-driven anther sterility in plants

Wenbin Xua, Yuanmei Miaoa, Jie Kongb, Keith Lindseyc, Xianlong Zhanga, Ling Mina,*

Crop and Environment ›› 2024, Vol. 3 ›› Issue (2) : 65-74. DOI: 10.1016/j.crope.2023.12.002
Review article

ROS signaling and its involvement in abiotic stress with emphasis on heat stress-driven anther sterility in plants

  • Wenbin Xua, Yuanmei Miaoa, Jie Kongb, Keith Lindseyc, Xianlong Zhanga, Ling Mina,*
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With global warming, crop plants are challenged by heat stress during reproductive growth, leading to male sterility and yield reduction. The balance between reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation and scavenging is disrupted by stress, resulting in oxidative stress which is harmful to crop growth. However, recent advances have shown that ROS signaling via proteins that sense the redox state is positive for plant performance under stress. ROS signaling is also involved in regulating anther development, such as timely tapetum degeneration. We summarize recent progress in uncovering the mechanism of heat stress effects on ROS homeostasis and discuss the relationship between oxidative stress and metabolic disorder, which is often observed during anther development under heat stress. We propose experimental and breeding strategies to improve field crop tolerance to heat stress.


Anther development / Crop plants / Heat stress / Heat tolerance strategies / Reactive oxygen species

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Wenbin Xu, Yuanmei Miao, Jie Kong, Keith Lindsey, Xianlong Zhang, Ling Min. ROS signaling and its involvement in abiotic stress with emphasis on heat stress-driven anther sterility in plants. Crop and Environment, 2024, 3(2): 65‒74


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* E-mail address: (L. Min).




