The present study regards the numerical approximation of solutions of systems of Korteweg-de Vries type, coupled through their nonlinear terms. In our previous work [
A new higher-order accurate space-time discontinuous Galerkin (DG) method using the interior penalty flux and discontinuous basis functions, both in space and in time, is presented and fully analyzed for the second-order scalar wave equation. Special attention is given to the definition of the numerical fluxes since they are crucial for the stability and accuracy of the space-time DG method. The theoretical analysis shows that the DG discretization is stable and converges in a DG-norm on general unstructured and locally refined meshes, including local refinement in time. The space-time interior penalty DG discretization does not have a CFL-type restriction for stability. Optimal order of accuracy is obtained in the DG-norm if the mesh size h and the time step $\Delta t$ satisfy $h\cong C\Delta t$, with C a positive constant. The optimal order of accuracy of the space-time DG discretization in the DG-norm is confirmed by calculations on several model problems. These calculations also show that for pth-order tensor product basis functions the convergence rate in the $L^\infty$ and $L^2$-norms is order $p+1$ for polynomial orders $p=1$ and $p=3$ and order p for polynomial order $p=2$.
This paper examines a class of involution-constrained PDEs where some part of the PDE system evolves a vector field whose curl remains zero or grows in proportion to specified source terms. Such PDEs are referred to as curl-free or curl-preserving, respectively. They arise very frequently in equations for hyperelasticity and compressible multiphase flow, in certain formulations of general relativity and in the numerical solution of Schrödinger’s equation. Experience has shown that if nothing special is done to account for the curl-preserving vector field, it can blow up in a finite amount of simulation time. In this paper, we catalogue a class of DG-like schemes for such PDEs. To retain the globally curl-free or curl-preserving constraints, the components of the vector field, as well as their higher moments, must be collocated at the edges of the mesh. They are updated using potentials collocated at the vertices of the mesh. The resulting schemes: (i) do not blow up even after very long integration times, (ii) do not need any special cleaning treatment, (iii) can operate with large explicit timesteps, (iv) do not require the solution of an elliptic system and (v) can be extended to higher orders using DG-like methods. The methods rely on a special curl-preserving reconstruction and they also rely on multidimensional upwinding. The Galerkin projection, highly crucial to the design of a DG method, is now conducted at the edges of the mesh and yields a weak form update that uses potentials obtained at the vertices of the mesh with the help of a multidimensional Riemann solver. A von Neumann stability analysis of the curl-preserving methods is conducted and the limiting CFL numbers of this entire family of methods are catalogued in this work. The stability analysis confirms that with the increasing order of accuracy, our novel curl-free methods have superlative phase accuracy while substantially reducing dissipation. We also show that PNPM-like methods, which only evolve the lower moments while reconstructing the higher moments, retain much of the excellent wave propagation characteristics of the DG-like methods while offering a much larger CFL number and lower computational complexity. The quadratic energy preservation of these methods is also shown to be excellent, especially at higher orders. The methods are also shown to be curl-preserving over long integration times.
In this paper, we describe a numerical technique for the solution of macroscopic traffic flow models on networks of roads. On individual roads, we consider the standard Lighthill-Whitham-Richards model which is discretized using the discontinuous Galerkin method along with suitable limiters. To solve traffic flows on networks, we construct suitable numerical fluxes at junctions based on preferences of the drivers. We prove basic properties of the constructed numerical flux and the resulting scheme and present numerical experiments, including a junction with complicated traffic light patterns with multiple phases. Differences with the approach to numerical fluxes at junctions from Čanić et al. (J Sci Comput 63: 233–255, 2015) are discussed and demonstrated numerically on a simple network.