Semi-implicit-Type Order-Adaptive CAT2 Schemes for Systems of Balance Laws with Relaxed Source Term
Emanuele Macca, Sebastiano Boscarino
Communications on Applied Mathematics and Computation ›› 2024
Semi-implicit-Type Order-Adaptive CAT2 Schemes for Systems of Balance Laws with Relaxed Source Term
In this paper, we present two semi-implicit-type second-order compact approximate Taylor (CAT2) numerical schemes and blend them with a local a posteriori multi-dimensional optimal order detection (MOOD) paradigm to solve hyperbolic systems of balance laws with relaxed source terms. The resulting scheme presents the high accuracy when applied to smooth solutions, essentially non-oscillatory behavior for irregular ones, and offers a nearly fail-safe property in terms of ensuring the positivity. The numerical results obtained from a variety of test cases, including smooth and non-smooth well-prepared and unprepared initial conditions, assessing the appropriate behavior of the semi-implicit-type second order CATMOOD schemes. These results have been compared in the accuracy and the efficiency with a second-order semi-implicit Runge-Kutta (RK) method.
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