Monolithic Convex Limiting for Legendre-Gauss-Lobatto Discontinuous Galerkin Spectral-Element Methods
Andrés M. Rueda-Ramírez, Benjamin Bolm, Dmitri Kuzmin, Gregor J. Gassner
Monolithic Convex Limiting for Legendre-Gauss-Lobatto Discontinuous Galerkin Spectral-Element Methods
We extend the monolithic convex limiting (MCL) methodology to nodal discontinuous Galerkin spectral-element methods (DGSEMS). The use of Legendre-Gauss-Lobatto (LGL) quadrature endows collocated DGSEM space discretizations of nonlinear hyperbolic problems with properties that greatly simplify the design of invariant domain-preserving high-resolution schemes. Compared to many other continuous and discontinuous Galerkin method variants, a particular advantage of the LGL spectral operator is the availability of a natural decomposition into a compatible subcell flux discretization. Representing a high-order spatial semi-discretization in terms of intermediate states, we perform flux limiting in a manner that keeps these states and the results of Runge-Kutta stages in convex invariant domains. In addition, local bounds may be imposed on scalar quantities of interest. In contrast to limiting approaches based on predictor-corrector algorithms, our MCL procedure for LGL-DGSEM yields nonlinear flux approximations that are independent of the time-step size and can be further modified to enforce entropy stability. To demonstrate the robustness of MCL/DGSEM schemes for the compressible Euler equations, we run simulations for challenging setups featuring strong shocks, steep density gradients, and vortex dominated flows.
Structure-preserving schemes / Subcell flux limiting / Monolithic convex limiting (MCL) / Discontinuous Galerkin spectral-element methods (DGSEMS) / Legendre-Gauss-Lobatto (LGL) nodes
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