A New Class of Simple, General and Efficient Finite Volume Schemes for Overdetermined Thermodynamically Compatible Hyperbolic Systems
Saray Busto, Michael Dumbser
A New Class of Simple, General and Efficient Finite Volume Schemes for Overdetermined Thermodynamically Compatible Hyperbolic Systems
In this paper, a new efficient, and at the same time, very simple and general class of thermodynamically compatible finite volume schemes is introduced for the discretization of nonlinear, overdetermined, and thermodynamically compatible first-order hyperbolic systems. By construction, the proposed semi-discrete method satisfies an entropy inequality and is nonlinearly stable in the energy norm. A very peculiar feature of our approach is that entropy is discretized directly, while total energy conservation is achieved as a mere consequence of the thermodynamically compatible discretization. The new schemes can be applied to a very general class of nonlinear systems of hyperbolic PDEs, including both, conservative and non-conservative products, as well as potentially stiff algebraic relaxation source terms, provided that the underlying system is overdetermined and therefore satisfies an additional extra conservation law, such as the conservation of total energy density. The proposed family of finite volume schemes is based on the seminal work of Abgrall [
Overdetermined thermodynamically compatible hyperbolic systems / Hyperbolic and thermodynamically compatible (HTC) finite volume schemes / Abgrall framework / Discrete entropy inequality / Nonlinear stability in the energy norm / Applications to ideal magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), Godounov-Peshkov-Romenski (GPR) / Turbulent shallow water (TSW) flows
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