Path guided motion synthesis for Drosophila larvae

Junjun CHEN, Yijun WANG, Yixuan SUN, Yifei YU, Zi'ao LIU, Zhefeng GONG, Nenggan ZHENG

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Front. Inform. Technol. Electron. Eng ›› 2023, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (10) : 1482-1496. DOI: 10.1631/FITEE.2200529
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Path guided motion synthesis for Drosophila larvae

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The deformability and high degree of freedom of mollusks bring challenges in mathematical modeling and synthesis of motions. Traditional analytical and statistical models are limited by either rigid skeleton assumptions or model capacity, and have difficulty in generating realistic and multi-pattern mollusk motions. In this work, we present a large-scale dynamic pose dataset of Drosophila larvae and propose a motion synthesis model named Path2Pose to generate a pose sequence given the initial poses and the subsequent guiding path. The Path2Pose model is further used to synthesize long pose sequences of various motion patterns through a recursive generation method. Evaluation analysis results demonstrate that our novel model synthesizes highly realistic mollusk motions and achieves state-of-the-art performance. Our work proves high performance of deep neural networks for mollusk motion synthesis and the feasibility of long pose sequence synthesis based on the customized body shape and guiding path.


Motion synthesis of mollusks / Dynamic pose dataset / Morphological analysis / Long pose sequence generation

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Junjun CHEN, Yijun WANG, Yixuan SUN, Yifei YU, Zi'ao LIU, Zhefeng GONG, Nenggan ZHENG. Path guided motion synthesis for Drosophila larvae. Front. Inform. Technol. Electron. Eng, 2023, 24(10): 1482‒1496


2023 Zhejiang University Press
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