1.3-μm 4×25-Gb/s hybrid integrated TOSA and ROSA
Yu LIU, Hao-tian BAO, Yi-ming ZHANG, Zhi-ke ZHANG, Yun-shan ZHANG, Xiang-fei CHEN, Jun LU, Yue-chun SHI
1.3-μm 4×25-Gb/s hybrid integrated TOSA and ROSA
The design and fabrication of a compact and low-cost 4×25-Gb/s transmitter optical sub-assembly (TOSA) and receiver optical sub-assembly (ROSA) using a hybrid integrated technique are reported. TOSA and ROSA are developed without thermoelectric cooler for coarse wavelength division multiplexing applications. Physical dimension of the packaged optical subassembly is limited to 11.5 mm×5.4 mm×5.4 mm. The design of TOSA and ROSA is employed using a silica-based arrayed waveguide grating chip to select the specific channel wavelength at O-band. In TOSA, the wavelength of four 1.3-μm discrete directly modulated laser chips is well controlled based on the reconstruction equivalent chirp technique. In the back-to-back transmission test, bit error rates for all lanes of cascade of the TOSA and ROSA are small. A clear opening eye diagram is obtained.
Reconstruction equivalent chirp / Arrayed waveguide grating / Transmitter optical subassembly / Hybrid integrated
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