Phase problems in optical imaging
Guo-hai SITU, Hai-chao WANG
Front. Inform. Technol. Electron. Eng ›› 2017, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (9) : 1277-1287.
Phase problems in optical imaging
Because the phase contains more information about the fieldcompared to the amplitude, measurement of the phase is encounteredin many branches of modern science and engineering. Direct measurementof the phase is difficult in the visible regime of the electromagneticwave. One must employ computational techniques to calculate the phasefrom the captured intensity. In this paper, we provide a review ofour recent work on iterative phase retrieval techniques and theirapplications in optical imaging.
Phase retrieval / Phase imaging / Computational imaging / Gerchberg-Saxtonalgorithm / Optical encryption / Computer-generatedhologram
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