High-resolution spectral video acquisition
Lin-sen CHEN, Tao YUE, Xun CAO, Zhan MA, David J. BRADY
High-resolution spectral video acquisition
Compared with conventional cameras, spectral imagers providemany more features in the spectral domain. They have been used invarious fields such as material identification, remote sensing, precisionagriculture, and surveillance. Traditional imaging spectrometers usegenerally scanning systems. They cannot meet the demands of dynamicscenarios. This limits the practical applications for spectral imaging.Recently, with the rapid development in computational photographytheory and semiconductor techniques, spectral video acquisition hasbecome feasible. This paper aims to offer a review of the state-of-the-artspectral imaging technologies, especially those capable of capturingspectral videos. Finally, we evaluate the performances of the existingspectral acquisition systems and discuss the trends for future work.
Multispectral/hyperspectral video acquisition / Snapshot / Under-sampling and reconstruction
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