Light field imaging: models, calibrations, reconstructions, and applications
Hao ZHU, Qing WANG, Jingyi YU
Light field imaging: models, calibrations, reconstructions, and applications
Light field imaging is an emerging technology in computationalphotography areas. Based on innovative designs of the imaging modeland the optical path, light field cameras not only record the spatialintensity of threedimensional (3D) objects, but also capture the angularinformation of the physical world, which provides new ways to addressvarious problems in computer vision, such as 3D reconstruction, saliencydetection, and object recognition. In this paper, three key aspectsof light field cameras, i.e., model, calibration, and reconstruction,are reviewed extensively. Furthermore, light field based applicationson informatics, physics, medicine, and biology are exhibited. Finally,open issues in light field imaging and long-term application prospectsin other natural sciences are discussed.
Light field imaging / Plenopticfunction / Imaging model / Calibration / Reconstruction
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