Principles and applications of high-speed single-pixel imaging technology
Qiang GUO, Yu-xi WANG, Hong-wei CHEN, Ming-hua CHEN, Si-gang YANG, Shi-zhong XIE
Principles and applications of high-speed single-pixel imaging technology
Single-pixel imaging (SPI) technology has garnered great interestwithin the last decade because of its ability to record high-resolutionimages using a single-pixel detector. It has been applied to diversefields, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), aerospace remotesensing, terahertz photography, and hyperspectral imaging. Comparedwith conventional silicon-based cameras, single-pixel cameras (SPCs)can achieve image compression and operate over a much broader spectralrange. However, the imaging speed of SPCs is governed by the responsetime of digital micromirror devices (DMDs) and the amount of compressionof acquired images, leading to low (ms-level) temporal resolution.Consequently, it is particularly challenging for SPCs to investigatefast dynamic phenomena, which is required commonly in microscopy.Recently, a unique approach based on photonic time stretch (PTS) toachieve high-speed SPI has been reported. It achieves a frame ratefar beyond that can be reached with conventional SPCs. In this paper,we first introduce the principles and applications of the PTS technique.Then the basic architecture of the high-speed SPI system is presented,and an imaging flow cytometer with high speed and high throughputis demonstrated experimentally. Finally, the limitations and potentialapplications of high-speed SPI are discussed.
Compressive sampling / Single-pixelimaging / Photonic time stretch / Imaging flow cytometry
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