Computational methods in super-resolution microscopy

Zhi-ping ZENG, Hao XIE, Long CHEN, Karl ZHANGHAO, Kun ZHAO, Xu-san YANG, Peng XI

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Front. Inform. Technol. Electron. Eng ›› 2017, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (9) : 1222-1235. DOI: 10.1631/FITEE.1601628

Computational methods in super-resolution microscopy

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The broad applicability of super-resolution microscopy has beenwidely demonstrated in various areas and disciplines. The optimizationand improvement of algorithms used in super-resolution microscopyare of great importance for achieving optimal quality of super-resolutionimaging. In this review, we comprehensively discuss the computationalmethods in different types of super-resolution microscopy, includingdeconvolution microscopy, polarization-based super-resolution microscopy,structured illumination microscopy, image scanning microscopy, super-resolutionoptical fluctuation imaging microscopy, single-molecule localizationmicroscopy, Bayesian super-resolution microscopy, stimulated emissiondepletion microscopy, and translation microscopy. The developmentof novel computational methods would greatly benefit super-resolutionmicroscopy and lead to better resolution, improved accuracy, and fasterimage processing.


Super-resolution microscopy / Deconvolution / Computational methods

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Zhi-ping ZENG, Hao XIE, Long CHEN, Karl ZHANGHAO, Kun ZHAO, Xu-san YANG, Peng XI. Computational methods in super-resolution microscopy. Front. Inform. Technol. Electron. Eng, 2017, 18(9): 1222‒1235


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2017 Zhejiang University and Springer-Verlag GmbHGermany
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