Asystematic review of structured sparse learning
Lin-bo QIAO, Bo-feng ZHANG, Jin-shu SU, Xi-cheng LU
Asystematic review of structured sparse learning
High dimensional data arising from diverse scientific research fields and industrial development have led to increased interest in sparse learning due to model parsimony and computational advantage. With the assumption of sparsity, many computational problems can be handled efficiently in practice. Structured sparse learning encodes the structural information of the variables and has been quite successful in numerous research fields. With various types of structures discovered, sorts of structured regularizations have been proposed. These regularizations have greatly improved the efficacy of sparse learning algorithms through the use of specific structural information. In this article, we present a systematic review of structured sparse learning including ideas, formulations, algorithms, and applications. We present these algorithms in the unified framework of minimizing the sum of loss and penalty functions, summarize publicly accessible software implementations, and compare the computational complexity of typical optimization methods to solve structured sparse learning problems. In experiments, we present applications in unsupervised learning, for structured signal recovery and hierarchical image reconstruction, and in supervised learning in the context of a novel graph-guided logistic regression.
Sparse learning / Structured sparse learning / Structured regularization
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