Performance analysis and optimization for chunked network coding based wireless cooperative downloading systems
Xiu-xiu WEN, Hui-qiang WANG, Jun-yu LIN, Guang-sheng FENG, Hong-wu LV, Ji-zhong HAN
Performance analysis and optimization for chunked network coding based wireless cooperative downloading systems
Dense network coding (NC) is widely used in wireless cooperative downloading systems. Wireless devices have limited computing resources. Researchers have recently found that dense NC is not suitable because of its high coding complexity, and it is necessary to use chunked NC in wireless environments. However, chunked NC can cause more communications, and the amount of communications is affected by the chunk size. Therefore, setting a suitable chunk size to improve the overall perfor-mance of chunked NC is a prerequisite for applying it in wireless cooperative downloading systems. Most of the existing studies on chunked NC focus on centralized wireless broadcasting systems, which are different from wireless cooperative downloading systems with distributed features. Accordingly, we study the performance of chunked NC based wireless cooperative downloading systems. First, an analysis model is established using a Markov process taking the distributed features into consideration, and then the block collection completion time of encoded blocks for cooperative downloading is optimized based on the analysis model. Furthermore, queuing theory is used to model the decoding process of the chunked NC. Combining queuing theory with the analysis model, the decoding completion time for cooperative downloading is optimized, and the optimal chunk size is derived. Numerical simulation shows that the block collection completion time and the decode completion time can be largely reduced after optimization.
Wireless environments / Cooperative downloading / Chunked network coding / Markov process
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