Reversible binary subtractor design using quantum dot-cellular automata
Jadav Chandra DAS, Debashis DE
Front. Inform. Technol. Electron. Eng ›› 2017, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (9) : 1416-1429.
Reversible binary subtractor design using quantum dot-cellular automata
In the field of nanotechnology, quantum dot-cellular automata(QCA) is the promising archetype that can provide an alternative solutionto conventional complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) circuit.QCA has high device density, high operating speed, and extremely lowpower consumption. Reversible logic has widespread applications inQCA. Researchers have explored several designs of QCA-based reversiblelogic circuits, but still not much work has been reported on QCA-basedreversible binary subtractors. The low power dissipation and highcircuit density of QCA pledge the energy-efficient design of logiccircuit at a nano-scale level. However, the necessity of too manylogic gates and detrimental garbage outputs may limit the functionalityof a QCA-based logic circuit. In this paper we describethe design and implementation of a DG gate in QCA. The universal natureof the DG gate has been established. The QCA building block of theDG gate is used to achieve new reversible binary subtractors. Theproposed reversible subtractors have low quantum cost and garbageoutputs compared to the existing reversible subtractors. The proposedcircuits are designed and simulated using QCA Designer-2.0.3.
Quantum dot-cellular automata (QCA) / Reversible logic / DG gate / Binary subtractor / Quantum cost
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