Anenhanced mixedmodulated Lagrange explicit time delay estimator with noisy input
Wei XIA, Ju-lei ZHU, Wen-ying JIANG, Ling-feng ZHU
Anenhanced mixedmodulated Lagrange explicit time delay estimator with noisy input
The mixed modulated Lagrange explicit time delay estimation (MMLETDE) algorithm provides an efficient time delay estimation between narrowband or sinusoidal signals. However, it does not explicitly consider the additive measurement noise at the input, which actually exists in practice. Aiming at this issue, an enhanced MMLETDE algorithm is proposed for noisy inputs based on the unbiased impulse response estimation technique, assuming that the noise power ratio is known a priori. Simulation results show that for narrowband signals or sinusoids over a wide frequency range, the proposed algorithm with a small filter order performs well in moderate and high noise scenarios.
Time delay estimation / Adaptive filter / Noisy input / Modulated Lagrange / Unbiased impulse response estimation
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