Exploiting a depth contextmodel in visual tracking with correlation filter
Zhao-yun CHEN, Lei LUO, Da-fei HUANG, Mei WEN, Chun-yuan ZHANG
Front. Inform. Technol. Electron. Eng ›› 2017, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (5) : 667-679.
Exploiting a depth contextmodel in visual tracking with correlation filter
Recently correlation filter based trackers have attracted considerable attention for their high computational efficiency. However, they cannot handle occlusion and scale variation well enough. This paper aims at preventing the tracker from failure in these two situations by integrating the depth information into a correlation filter based tracker. By using RGB-D data, we construct a depth context model to reveal the spatial correlation between the target and its surrounding regions. Furthermore, we adopt a region growing method to make our tracker robust to occlusion and scale variation. Additional optimizations such as a model updating scheme are applied to improve the performance for longer video sequences. Both qualitative and quantitative evaluations on challenging benchmark image sequences demonstrate that the proposed tracker performs favourably against state-of-the-art algorithms.
Visual tracking / Depth context model / Correlation filter / Region growing
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