Anovel approach of noise statistics estimate using H∞ filter in target tracking
Xie WANG, Mei-qin LIU, Zhen FAN, Sen-lin ZHANG
Anovel approach of noise statistics estimate using H∞ filter in target tracking
Noise statistics are essential for estimation performance. In practical situations, however, a priori information of noise statistics is often imperfect. Previous work on noise statistics identification in linear systems still requires initial prior knowledge of the noise. A novel approach is presented in this paper to solve this paradox. First, we apply the H∞ filter to obtain the system state estimates without the common assumptions about the noise in conventional adaptive filters. Then by applying state estimates obtained from the H∞ filter, better estimates of the noise mean and covariance can be achieved, which can improve the performance of estimation. The proposed approach makes the best use of the system knowledge without a priori information with modest computation cost, which makes it possible to be applied online. Finally, numerical examples are presented to show the efficiency of this approach.
Noise estimate / H∞ filter / Target tracking
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