Generating native user interfaces formultiple devices by means ofmodel transformation
Ignacio MARIN, Francisco ORTIN, German PEDROSA, Javier RODRIGUEZ
Generating native user interfaces formultiple devices by means ofmodel transformation
In the last years, the types of devices used to access information systems have notably increased using different operating systems, screen sizes, interaction mechanisms, and software features. This device fragmentation is an important issue to tackle when developing native mobile service front-end applications. To address this issue, we propose the generation of native user interfaces (UIs) by means of model transformations, following the modelbased user interface (MBUI) paradigm. The resulting MBUI framework, called LIZARD, generates applications for multiple target platforms. LIZARD allows the definition of applications at a high level of abstraction, and applies model transformations to generate the target native UI considering the specific features of target platforms. The generated applications follow the UI design guidelines and the architectural and design patterns specified by the corresponding operating system manufacturer. The objective is not to generate generic applications following the lowest-common-denominator approach, but to follow the particular guidelines specified for each target device. We present an example application modeled in LIZARD, generating different UIs for Windows Phone and two types of Android devices (smartphones and tablets).
Model-to-model transformation / Native user interfaces / Model-based user interfaces / Model-driven engineering
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