Animage-based approach to the reconstruction of ancient architectures by extracting and arranging 3D spatial components

Divya Udayan J, HyungSeok KIM, Jee-In KIM

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Front. Inform. Technol. Electron. Eng ›› 2015, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (1) : 12-27. DOI: 10.1631/FITEE.1400141

Animage-based approach to the reconstruction of ancient architectures by extracting and arranging 3D spatial components

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The objective of this research is the rapid reconstruction of ancient buildings of historical importance using a single image. The key idea of our approach is to reduce the infinite solutions that might otherwise arise when recovering a 3D geometry from 2D photographs. The main outcome of our research shows that the proposed methodology can be used to reconstruct ancient monuments for use as proxies for digital effects in applications such as tourism, games, and entertainment, which do not require very accurate modeling. In this article, we consider the reconstruction of ancient Mughal architecture including the Taj Mahal. We propose a modeling pipeline that makes an easy reconstruction possible using a single photograph taken from a single view, without the need to create complex point clouds from multiple images or the use of laser scanners. First, an initial model is automatically reconstructed using locally fitted planar primitives along with their boundary polygons and the adjacency relation among parts of the polygons. This approach is faster and more accurate than creating a model from scratch because the initial reconstruction phase provides a set of structural information together with the adjacency relation, which makes it possible to estimate the approximate depth of the entire structural monument. Next, we use manual extrapolation and editing techniques with modeling software to assemble and adjust different 3D components of the model. Thus, this research opens up the opportunity for the present generation to experience remote sites of architectural and cultural importance through virtual worlds and real-time mobile applications. Variations of a recreated 3D monument to represent an amalgam of various cultures are targeted for future work.


Digital reconstruction / 3D virtual world / 3D spatial components / Vision and scene understanding

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Divya Udayan J, HyungSeok KIM, Jee-In KIM. Animage-based approach to the reconstruction of ancient architectures by extracting and arranging 3D spatial components. Front. Inform. Technol. Electron. Eng, 2015, 16(1): 12‒27


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