Relative Time-Restricted Sensitivity and Entropy

Xiaochen Wang, Xiaomin Zhou

Communications in Mathematics and Statistics ›› 2023, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (2) : 265-277. DOI: 10.1007/s40304-022-00289-4

Relative Time-Restricted Sensitivity and Entropy

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In this paper, we consider relativization of measure-theoretical- restricted sensitivity. For a given topological dynamical system, we define conditional measure-theoretical-restricted asymptotic rate with respect to sensitivity and obtain that it equals to the reciprocal of the Brin–Katok local entropy for almost every point under the conditional measure.


Relative time-restricted sensitivity / Asymptotic rate / Local entropy

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Xiaochen Wang, Xiaomin Zhou. Relative Time-Restricted Sensitivity and Entropy. Communications in Mathematics and Statistics, 2023, 12(2): 265‒277


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National Natural Science Foundation of China(11801193); Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(2020kfyXJJS036)




