Tool Path Planning with Confined Scallop Height Error Using Optimal Connected Fermat Spirals

Hong-Yu Ma, Chun-Ming Yuan, Li-Yong Shen

Communications in Mathematics and Statistics ›› 2022, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (1) : 55-78. DOI: 10.1007/s40304-021-00280-5

Tool Path Planning with Confined Scallop Height Error Using Optimal Connected Fermat Spirals

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In CNC machining, the tool path planning of the cutter plays an important role. In this paper, we generate a space-filling and continuous tool path for free-form surface represented by the triangular mesh with a confined scallop height. The tool path is constructed from connected Fermat spirals (CFS) but with fewer inflection points. Comparing with the newly developed CFS method, only about half of the number of inflection points are involved. Moreover, the kinematic constraints are simultaneously taken into account to increase the feedrates in machining. Finally, we use a micro-line trajectory technique to smooth the tool path. Experimental results and physical cutting tests are provided to illustrate and clarify our method.


Tool path planning / Connected Fermat spirals / Scallop height / Kinematic constraints

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Hong-Yu Ma, Chun-Ming Yuan, Li-Yong Shen. Tool Path Planning with Confined Scallop Height Error Using Optimal Connected Fermat Spirals. Communications in Mathematics and Statistics, 2022, 12(1): 55‒78


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Natural Science Foundation of Beijing Municipality(Z190004); Key Technologies Research and Development Program(2020YFA0713703); National Natural Science Foundation of China(11688101); Fundamental Research Funds for Central Universities of the Central South University




