Biochar-microplastics interaction modulates soil nitrous oxide emissions and microbial communities

Ziheng Zou, Qidong Yu, Runyu Chen, Jinyang Wang, Xueyan Liu

Biochar ›› 2025, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (1) : 15.

Biochar ›› 2025, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (1) : 15. DOI: 10.1007/s42773-024-00413-3
Original Research

Biochar-microplastics interaction modulates soil nitrous oxide emissions and microbial communities

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Biochar has been proposed as a soil amendment in vegetable fields, where the widespread use of plastic film leads to significant retention of microplastics (MPs) in the soil. However, the interactive effect of biochar and MPs on plant growth and soil functions remains poorly understood. Here, we conducted a pot experiment to examine the effects of biochar application in the presence of conventional and biodegradable microplastics (0.05% w/w) on the growth of coriander, soil nitrogen (N) cycling processes, and microbial communities. The results showed that biochar application increased aboveground biomass by increasing plant available N of NH4 +, regardless of the presence of MPs. Biochar also significantly reduced soil nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions by an average of 16% without MPs. However, when MPs were present, the effect of biochar on N2O emissions was lessened depending on the MP type. Polylactic acid consistently reduced soil N2O emissions and the abundance of N2O production genes, irrespective of biochar application. Conversely, polyethylene without biochar reduced N2O emissions primarily by inhibiting N-related functional genes responsible for nitrification and denitrification. This inhibitory effect was reversed when biochar was applied, leading to a 26% increase in N2O emissions due to increased nifH and nirK gene abundance. Although biochar and MPs did not significantly alter microbial α-diversity, they altered the composition and structure of bacterial and fungal communities, linked to changes in soil N turnover. Our study underscores the critical role of MP type in assessing the effects of biochar on soil N cycling and N2O emissions. Consequently, plastic pollution may complicate the ability of biochar to improve plant growth and soil functions, depending on the characteristics of the MPs.

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Ziheng Zou, Qidong Yu, Runyu Chen, Jinyang Wang, Xueyan Liu. Biochar-microplastics interaction modulates soil nitrous oxide emissions and microbial communities. Biochar, 2025, 7(1): 15


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