Towards a high-quality fertilizer based on algae residues treated via hydrothermal carbonization. Trends on how process parameters influence inorganics

Daniela Moloeznik Paniagua, Lina Maja Marie Krenz, Judy A. Libra, Nathalie Korf, Vera Susanne Rotter

Biochar ›› 2024, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (1) : 67.

Biochar ›› 2024, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (1) : 67. DOI: 10.1007/s42773-024-00357-8
Original Research

Towards a high-quality fertilizer based on algae residues treated via hydrothermal carbonization. Trends on how process parameters influence inorganics

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The use of beach-cast macroalgae as a fertilizer (F) or soil amendment (SA) is coming back into focus, due to its highly efficient transformation of CO2, nutrients, salts and minerals from its aqueous surroundings into biomass. This research studied the hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) of Fucus vesiculosus macroalgae to hydrochar and evaluated its feasibility for use in soil applications. F. vesiculosus was submitted to HTC following a full factorial design of experiments with three HTC process parameters varied to assess their impact on the hydrochars: temperature (T: 160, 190, 220 °C), solid content (%So: 20, 35%), and process water recirculation (PWrec: yes and no). In general, F. vesiculosus and its hydrochars were rich in nutrients, but also contained regulated heavy metals. Investigation of the partitioning behavior of inorganic elements between the hydrochars and process water showed that heavy metals like Cr, Pb, Co and Cu tended to accumulate in the hydrochar, unaffected by HTC conditions. Nutrients such as P, N, B, and Mn were primarily found in the hydrochar and could be partially influenced to transfer to process water by changing %So and T. The correlation between the mass fractions of 22 elements in the hydrochar and HTC process parameters was studied. T was the most influential parameter, showing a significant positive correlation for eleven elements. %So and PWrec showed inconsistent effects on different elements. When process water was recirculated, some elements decreased (Ca, Cd, Fe) while others increased (K, Na, B, N) in the hydrochar. Assessment against various regulations and standards for F and SA revealed that F. vesiculosus complied with Cd limit values for most rules including the EURF and B, and was regulated only in the RAL for SA, over the limit value. In contrast, the limit value of Cd for both F and SA applications was surpassed in the 13 hydrochars. The contents of N, P, K, S, and Na in the feedstock and hydrochars complied with European F and SA rules, while they were too high for German rules on SA. The other limits for F rules were achieved (under certain HTC process parameters) except for P (lower than the requirements in F for F. vesiculosus and its hydrochars).


The brown algae complied with most limit values for Cd content to be applied as soil amendment or as fertilizer.

Hydrochars from brown algae did not comply with any Cd limit values. No HTC process condition reduced the Cd content to comply with the requirements.

Inorganic mass fractions were mostly influenced by temperature (positively correlated with 11/22 elements), followed by water recirculation (7) and solid content (6).

Heavy metals accumulate in hydrochars across all HTC conditions. The partitioning for some elements (e.g., Cd, Co, Cu, W, V) showed no correlation with process conditions.


Hydrochar / Hydrothermal carbonization / Distribution of elements / Limit values / Quality assessment / Soil application

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Daniela Moloeznik Paniagua, Lina Maja Marie Krenz, Judy A. Libra, Nathalie Korf, Vera Susanne Rotter. Towards a high-quality fertilizer based on algae residues treated via hydrothermal carbonization. Trends on how process parameters influence inorganics. Biochar, 2024, 6(1): 67


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