Maximizing the value of liquid products and minimizing carbon loss in hydrothermal processing of biomass: an evolution from carbonization to humification

Nader Marzban, Judy A. Libra, Vera Susanne Rotter, Christiane Herrmann, Kyoung S. Ro, Svitlana Filonenko, Thomas Hoffmann, Markus Antonietti

Biochar ›› 2024, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (1) : 44.

Biochar ›› 2024, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (1) : 44. DOI: 10.1007/s42773-024-00334-1
Original Research

Maximizing the value of liquid products and minimizing carbon loss in hydrothermal processing of biomass: an evolution from carbonization to humification

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Hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) converts wet biomass into hydrochar and a process liquid, but aromatic compounds in the products have been reported as a roadblock for soil applications as they can inhibit germination, plant growth, and soil microbial activity. Here, we compared HTC and hydrothermal humification (HTH) of cow manure digestate while varying the initial alkaline content by adding KOH. HTH converted 37.5 wt% of the feedstock to artificial humic acids (A-HAs) found in both solid and liquid, twice that of HTC. HTH reduced phenolic and furanic aromatic compounds by over 70% in solids and 90% in liquids. The A-HAs in HTH resemble natural humic acids (N-HA), based on FTIR, UV–vis spectra, and CHN and XRD analysis. The HTH liquid possesses 60% higher total organic carbon (TOC) than HTC. Although one-third of TOC can be precipitated as A-HA, a high TOC concentration remains in the liquid, which is shown to be mainly organic acids. Therefore, we also evaluated the HTC and HTH liquids for anaerobic biomethane production, and found that compared to the original cow manure digestate, the HTH liquids increased methane yield by 110.3 to 158.6%, a significant enhancement relative to the 17.2% increase seen with HTC liquid. The strong reduction in organic acids during biogas production from HTH liquid indicates the potential for converting soluble byproducts into methane, while maintaining high A-HAs levels in the solid product.


Hydrothermal humification of the digestate feedstock created about 37.5 wt% artificial humic acids in both solid and liquid phases.

Increasing the alkaline content of the reaction media significantly decreased the aromatic content in the process liquid while increasing the concentration of organic acids and sugars.

There was little to no gas production observed in the HTH process at higher alkaline contents, indicating carbon preservation in the liquid and solid phases.

Anaerobic processing of the hydrothermal humification (HTH) process liquid resulted in a 158.6% increase in methane production compared to the primary biomass.

The organic acid concentrations decreased after the anaerobic fermentation, while the main HTH product, artificial humic acids, remained nearly unchanged.


Hydrothermal carbonization / Hydrothermal humification / Artificial humic acids / Aromatic compounds / Anaerobic digestion

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Nader Marzban, Judy A. Libra, Vera Susanne Rotter, Christiane Herrmann, Kyoung S. Ro, Svitlana Filonenko, Thomas Hoffmann, Markus Antonietti. Maximizing the value of liquid products and minimizing carbon loss in hydrothermal processing of biomass: an evolution from carbonization to humification. Biochar, 2024, 6(1): 44


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