Biochar application regulating soil inorganic nitrogen and organic carbon content in cropland in the Central Europe: a seven-year field study

Narges Hematimatin, Dušan Igaz, Elena Aydın, Ján Horák

Biochar ›› 2024, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (1) : 14. DOI: 10.1007/s42773-024-00307-4

Biochar application regulating soil inorganic nitrogen and organic carbon content in cropland in the Central Europe: a seven-year field study

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Biochar incorporation into soil has shown potential, in enhancing nitrogen fertilizer (N-fertilizer) efficacy and soil organic carbon content (SOC). This study addresses a critical gap in the literature by investigating the effects of biochar addition over a seven-year period (2014–2020) on inorganic N, SOC, and pH in Haplic Luvisol. The research involved a rain-fed field experiment, with a crop rotation comprising spring barley, maize, spring wheat, and pea. Biochar, applied at the rates of 0, 10, and 20 t ha−1 in 2014, was reapplied to specific plots in 2018. Biochar was also combined with N-fertilizer at three level (N0, N1, and N2). Results showed a significant interactive influence of biochar and N-fertilizer combination on NO3 and NH4 + contents. Intriguingly, the addition of 10 t biochar ha−1 consistently decreased soil inorganic N levels across most of the examined months. Increasing biochar application rates led to a significant rise in pH, establishing a clear, negative correlation between soil pH and inorganic N content. Biochar significantly increased SOC compared to the control, particularly after the reapplication in 2018. However, this effect showed a diminishing trend over time. The study suggests that incorporating biochar treatments may enhance N-fertilizer effectiveness. However, the long-term implications of biochar application with N-fertilizer on N mineralization are specific to individual soil and biochar combinations. Except the application of 20 t ha−1 biochar at N2 in 2019, biochar did not affect the crop yields. Studied soil properties, including those influenced by biochar had nuanced impact on different aspects of crop yield.

Article Highlights

Biochar obtained from mixed paper fiber sludge and the grain husks resulted in a significant increase of SOC over 7 years.

Biochar aging resulted in a decrease in pH one year after its application in 2015 and 2019.

The combination of N-fertilizer with biochar caused an improvement in soil inorganic N content in 2014 and reapplication in 2018.


Field experiment / Biochar / Inorganic nitrogen / Soil organic carbon / Soil pH

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Narges Hematimatin, Dušan Igaz, Elena Aydın, Ján Horák. Biochar application regulating soil inorganic nitrogen and organic carbon content in cropland in the Central Europe: a seven-year field study. Biochar, 2024, 6(1): 14


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