Decision making framework for autonomous vehicles driving behavior in complex scenarios via hierarchical state machine
Xuanyu Wang, Xudong Qi, Ping Wang, Jingwen Yang
Decision making framework for autonomous vehicles driving behavior in complex scenarios via hierarchical state machine
With the development of autonomous car, a vehicle is capable to sense its environment more precisely. That allows improved drving behavior decision strategy to be used for more safety and effectiveness in complex scenarios. In this paper, a decision making framework based on hierarchical state machine is proposed with a top-down structure of three-layer finite state machine decision system. The upper layer classifies the driving scenario based on relative position of the vehicle and its surrounding vehicles. The middle layer judges the optimal driving behavior according to the improved energy efficiency function targeted at multiple criteria including driving efficiency, safety and the grid-based lane vacancy rate. The lower layer constructs the state transition matrix combined with the calculation results of the previous layer to predict the optimal pass way in the region. The simulation results show that the proposed driving strategy can integrate multiple criteria to evaluate the energy efficiency value of vehicle behavior in real time, and realize the selection of optimal vehicle driving strategy. With popularity of automatic vehicles in future, the driving strategy can be used as a reference to provide assistance for human drive or even the real-time decision-making of autonomous driving.
Decision making / Autonomous Car / Energy efficiency function / State machine
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