Distributed dynamic stochastic approximation algorithm over time-varying networks
Kewei Fu, Han-Fu Chen, Wenxiao Zhao
Distributed dynamic stochastic approximation algorithm over time-varying networks
In this paper, a distributed stochastic approximation algorithm is proposed to track the dynamic root of a sum of time-varying regression functions over a network. Each agent updates its estimate by using the local observation, the dynamic information of the global root, and information received from its neighbors. Compared with similar works in optimization area, we allow the observation to be noise-corrupted, and the noise condition is much weaker. Furthermore, instead of the upper bound of the estimate error, we present the asymptotic convergence result of the algorithm. The consensus and convergence of the estimates are established. Finally, the algorithm is applied to a distributed target tracking problem and the numerical example is presented to demonstrate the performance of the algorithm.
Distributed algorithm / Dynamic stochastic approximation algorithm / Time-varying network
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