Deep learning based on connected vehicles for icing pavement detection

Jiajie Hu, Ming-Chun Huang, Xiong Bill Yu

AI in Civil Engineering ›› 2023, Vol. 2 ›› Issue (1) : 1.

AI in Civil Engineering ›› 2023, Vol. 2 ›› Issue (1) : 1. DOI: 10.1007/s43503-023-00010-6
Original Article

Deep learning based on connected vehicles for icing pavement detection

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Slippery road conditions, such as snowy, icy or slushy pavements, are one of the major threats to road safety in winter. The U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) spends over 20% of its maintenance budget on pavement maintenance in winter. However, despite extensive research, it remains a challenging task to monitor pavement conditions and detect slippery roadways in real time. Most existing studies have mainly explored indirect estimates based on pavement images and weather forecasts. The emerging connected vehicle (CV) technology offers the opportunity to map slippery road conditions in real time. This study proposes a CV-based slippery detection system that uses vehicles to acquire data and implements deep learning algorithms to predict pavements' slippery conditions. The system classifies pavement conditions into three major categories: dry, snowy and icy. Different pavement conditions reflect different levels of slipperiness: dry surface corresponds to the least slippery condition, and icy surface to the most slippery condition. In practice, more attention should be paid to the detected icy and snowy pavements when driving or implementing pavement maintenance and road operation in winter. The classification algorithm adopted in this study is Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), which is an artificial Recurrent Neural Network (RNN). The LSTM model is trained with simulated CV data in VISSIM and optimized with a Bayesian algorithm. The system can achieve 100%, 99.06% and 98.02% prediction accuracy for dry pavement, snowy pavement and icy pavement, respectively. In addition, it is observed that potential accidents can be reduced by more than 90% if CVs can adjust their driving speed and maintain a greater distance from the leading vehicle after receiving a warning signal. Simulation results indicate that the proposed slippery detection system and the information sharing function based on the CV technology and deep learning algorithm (i.e., the LSTM network implemented in this study) are expected to deliver real-time detection of slippery pavement conditions, thus significantly eliminating the potential risk of accidents.


Connected vehicles / Deep learning / Long short-term memory network / Pavement conditions / Slippery detection / VISSIM

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Jiajie Hu, Ming-Chun Huang, Xiong Bill Yu. Deep learning based on connected vehicles for icing pavement detection. AI in Civil Engineering, 2023, 2(1): 1


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