Application of blockchain in the field of intelligent manufacturing: Theoretical basis, realistic plights, and development suggestions
Qiang ZHANG, Baoyu LIAO, Shanlin YANG
Front. Eng ›› 2020, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (4) : 578-591.
Application of blockchain in the field of intelligent manufacturing: Theoretical basis, realistic plights, and development suggestions
Blockchain technology is considered one of the promising technologies of the information technology era. The core features of blockchain, such as decentralization, transparency, high security, and tamper-proof nature, bring great convenience for large-scale social cooperation and data sharing. Blockchain has a broad application prospect in the field of intelligent manufacturing. The key issues of this field, such as distributed collaborative production, industrial big data sharing and security, transparent logistics, and supply chain, are naturally consistent with the core characteristics of the blockchain technology. This study aims to analyze the application of blockchain in the field of intelligent manufacturing. First, we introduce the basic connotation and applications of blockchain. Then, we propose the theoretical basis for the application of blockchain in the field of intelligent manufacturing. Finally, we point out the realistic plights and provide some suggestions to promote the application of blockchain in the field of intelligent manufacturing.
blockchain technology / intelligent manufacturing / networked collaborative manufacturing / full life-cycle management / manufacturing model innovation
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