Review of operational management in intelligent agriculture based on the Internet of Things

Xiangpei HU, Lijun SUN, Yaxian ZHOU, Junhu RUAN

Front. Eng ›› 2020, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (3) : 309-322.

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Front. Eng ›› 2020, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (3) : 309-322. DOI: 10.1007/s42524-020-0107-3

Review of operational management in intelligent agriculture based on the Internet of Things

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This review aims to gain insight into the current research and application of operational management in the area of intelligent agriculture based on the Internet of Things (IoT), and consequently, identify existing shortcomings and potential issues. First, we use the Java application CiteSpace to analyze co-citation networks in the literature related to the operational management of IoT-based intelligent agriculture. From the literature analysis results, we identify three major fields: (1) the development of agricultural IoT (Agri-IoT) technology, (2) the precision management of agricultural production, and (3) the traceability management of agricultural products. Second, we review research in the three fields separately in detail. Third, on the basis of the research gaps identified in the review and from the perspective of integrating and upgrading the entire agricultural industry chain, additional research directions are recommended from the following aspects: The operational management of agricultural production, product processing, and product sale and after-sale service based on Agri-IoT. The theoretical research and practical application of combining operational management theories and IoT-based intelligent agriculture will provide informed decision support for stakeholders and drive the further development of the entire agriculture industry chain.


Internet of Things (IoT) / agricultural Internet of Things (Agri-IoT) / operational management / intelligent agriculture / precision management / traceability

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Xiangpei HU, Lijun SUN, Yaxian ZHOU, Junhu RUAN. Review of operational management in intelligent agriculture based on the Internet of Things. Front. Eng, 2020, 7(3): 309‒322


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