Project management maturity in construction consulting services: Case of Expo in China
Yongkui LI, Qing YANG, Beverly PASIAN, Yan ZHANG
Front. Eng ›› 2020, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (3) : 384-395.
Project management maturity in construction consulting services: Case of Expo in China
For many years, project management maturity models (PMMM) derived from the software industry have brought immeasurable benefits. However, the adoption and investigation of PMMM in the construction field have been weak and insufficient, particularly in construction consulting services (CCS). Moreover, professionals have gradually realized the importance of non-process factors (e.g., teamwork, culture, leadership) in the evaluation of PMMM. This study describes the construction of PMMM for CCS that considers non-process factors and combines them with CCS-specific process factors. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed model, we conduct a case study on the overall project management consultancy for China’s 2010 Winter Expo. The results would fill in the PMMM research gap in CCS and provide practitioners with ideas to improve their performance.
construction consulting services / project management maturity model / non-process factors / Expo
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