2009年, 第11卷, 第2期 刊出日期:2024-06-28

  • 全选
  • Du Xiangwan, Huang Qili, Li Junfeng
    2009, 11(2): 2-4.
    Based on CAE’s research report, this paper illustrates the background and purposes of the development strategy research of renewable energy in China, emphasizes the significance of developing renewable energy in China, gives the strategic positions and development objectives of renewable energy in China in the first half of 21st century and contributes to green house gas emissions reduction and environmental protection in China.
  • 魏复盛,张建辉 ,何立环,王鑫,吴国平,丁中元
    2009, 11(2): 4-9.

    分析了三峡库区水污染的主要原因,提出三峡水库水污染防治的关键是从源头严格控制和减少污 染物产生量和排放量,指出水污染防治的根本途径是真正落实科学发展观,实现三大战略转变。对已受到污 染的库湾和支流(水华)应采取源头控制、末端治理与生态修复相结合的措施。

  • Huang Qili1, Li Junfeng2,3, Gao Hu2
    2009, 11(2): 5-12.
    Renewable Energy (RE) has been attached high attention around the world due to its carbon-free and indigenous production in a sustainable way. China enjoys plenty of renewable energy resources, particularly the wind, solar ,hydro and biomass energy, which could be a sound basis for a large-scale exploitation. This report examines the current status of RE technology and industry, analyzes the challenges of promoting RE in China. In order to pave the way for a long-term development of RE, this paper outlines the basic principles and priorities for individual RE technology. In line with these, the paper puts forward the RE targets and further describes the RE Roadmap by 2020, 2030 and extende to 2050, taking consideration of China’s RE resources, industrial basis and energy demand etc. At last, this paper provides some recommendations to ensure the achievements of the RE targets.
  • 王家耀
    2009, 11(2): 10-16.

    针对目前对地理信息系统( GIS)的发展缺乏系统、规律性研究的问题,分析了地理信息系统产生和发 展的社会前景、技术背景和学科背景;探讨了随着计算机通信网络技术的发展而引起的GIS体系结构和软件 开发模式的变化,认为开放式GIS思想和组件式GIS更适合网络(网格)环境下数据服务和功能的服务分布式 特点;提出GIS将向以网络服务( Web service)和网格服务( Grid service)为主要形式的开放式GIS方向发展,论 述了基于网络服务的地理信息共享与数据互操作的基本架构及其特点,指出Grid service为实现信息资源共享 和协同解决问题提供了新的机遇和技术途径,强调Web service和Grid service的核心都是服务,两者既相互联 系又有区别。

  • Dai Huizhu, Wang Weisheng, Li Hanxiang
    2009, 11(2): 13-17.
    The installed capacity of a large scale wind power plant will be up to a number of hundreds MW, and the wind power is transmitted to load centers through long distance transmission lines with 220 kV, 500 kV, or 750 kV. Therefore, it is necessary not only considering the power transmission line between a wind power plant and the first connection node of the power network, but also the power network among the group of those wind power plants in a wind power base, the integration network from the base to the existed grids, as well as the distribution and consumption of the wind power generation by loads. Meanwhile, the impact of wind power stochastic fluctuation on power systems must be studied. In recent years, wind power prediction technology has been studied by the utilities and wind power plants. As a matter of fact, some European countries have used this prediction technology as a tool in national power dispatch centers and wind power companies.
  • 周厚贵
    2009, 11(2): 17-21.

    混凝土控制拆除是水电工程续建、扩建、再建项目施工中的重点与难点问题之一。通过系统分析混 凝土控制拆除的技术要求,总结了混凝土控制拆除施工常用方法的优点、适用条件和实施要点,建立了混凝 土控制拆除施工方法选择标准体系。同时,将该体系应用于南水北调中线丹江口大坝加高工程的施工实践 中,各项控制拆除工作实施效果良好。建立的混凝土控制拆除施工方法选择标准体系和丹江口大坝加高工 程中的典型实例可供类似工程借鉴参考。

  • Zhu Rong, Zhang De, Wang Yuedong, Xing Xuhuang, Li Zechun
    2009, 11(2): 18-26.
    In this paper, China wind atlas is made by numerical simulating and the wind energy potential in China is calculated. The model system for wind energy resource assessment is set up based on Canadian Wind Energy Simulating Toolkit (WEST) and the simulating method is as follow. First, the weather classes are obtained depend on meteorological data of 30 years. Then, driven by the initial meteorological field produced by each weather class, the mesosclae model runs for the distribution of wind energy resources according each weather class condition one by one. Finally, averaging all the modeling output weighted by the occurrence frequency of each weather class, the annual mean distribution of wind energy resources is worked out. Compared the simulated wind energy potential with other results from several activities and studies for wind energy resource assessment, it is found that the simulated wind energy potential in mainland of China is 3 times that from the second and the third investigations for wind energy resources by CMA, and is similar to the wind energy potential obtained by NREL in SWERA project. The simulated offshore wind energy potential of China seems smaller than the true value. Although there is difference in method and conclusion for wind energy resource assessment by different institutes, the important conclusion accepted by the all is that China has rich wind energy resources. According to the simulated results of CMA and considering lots of limited factors to wind energy development, the final conclusion can be obtained that the wind energy availability in China is 700-1200 GW, in which 600-1000 GW is in mainland and 100-200 GW is on offshore, and wind power will become the important part of energy composition in future.
  • 许云书
    2009, 11(2): 22-32.

    对人类生活各方面都有惊人影响的核技术,其诸多应用的基础是射线技术(射线产生技术、射线探 测技术以及射线应用技术等)。以射线产生技术和探测技术为基础的材料射线分析技术,是射线技术在材料 科学领域的典型应用。分析的目的是为了改进、优化和发展,利用射线技术改进现有材料、研究开发新型材 料,则是射线技术在材料科学领域的重要应用。对射线作用于材料的辐射效应的研究,一方面有助于了解材 料、改进材料以及发展新材料;同时也有助于设计用何种射线束去破坏材料,从而研究、发展新型的射线束武 器。先进材料是研制先进武器与强化国防实力的物质基础。开展射线技术的应用,需要以先进材料的研制 带动学科领域的发展;一方面结合我们主体工作涉及的相关材料做工作,另一方面则结合国家战略发展需要 和我们的核技术优势在高技术材料方面做工作。

  • He Dexin1, Wang Zhongying2
    2009, 11(2): 27-31.
    Wind energy is a kind of clean renewable energy, which is also relatively mature in technology, with large-scale development conditions and prospect for the commercialization. Wind energy’s development and utilization is an important measure to increase energy supply, adjust energy structure, ensure energy security, protect the ecological environment, reduce greenhouse gas emission and build a harmonious society. Wind energy is a kind of clean renewable energy, which is also relatively mature in technology, with large-scale development conditions and prospect for the commercialization. The development of wind energy is a systematic project, involving policy, law, technology, economy, society, environment, education and other aspects. The relationship among all the aspects should be well treated and coordinated. This paper has discussed the following relationships which should be well coordinated: relationship between wind resources and wind energy development, relationship between the wind turbine generator system and the components, relationship between wind energy technology and wind energy industry, relationship between off-grid wind power and grid-connected wind power, relationship between wind farm and the power grid, relationship between onshore wind power and offshore wind power, relationship between wind energy and other energies, relationship between technology introduction and self-innovation, relationship among foreign-funded, joint ventured and domestic-funded enterprises and relationship between the government guidance and the market regulation, as well as giving out some suggestions.
  • Lu Youmei1,2,3
    2009, 11(2): 32-34.
  • 闫治涛,刘建中,邱金平, 金丽华
    2009, 11(2): 33-35.

    介绍了第三沉降带的分布,监测得出的大量人工裂缝方向数据及由人工裂缝方向数据统计得出的 最大水平主应力方向。结果表明,第三沉降带由北向南绵延1 500 km,最大水平主应力方向大体稳定,分布在 55°~75° NE范围,多为65° NE。由监测结果可以判断,第三沉降带的构造应力方向是南亚板块及菲律宾板块 共同作用的结果。

  • Zhou Jianping, Yang Zeyan, Chen Guanfu
    2009, 11(2): 35-40.
    At the beginning of 21st century, with the rapid and steady development of China economy, a lot of large scale hydropower projects with large dam from 200 m to 300 m high are being or to be built. China dam constructions are reaching the level of 300 m high arch dam, 250 high CFRD and 200 m high RCC gravity dam. Due to the safety and the economy, the type selection for high dams have becomes the key issue during the argumentation for the hydropower projects, and further efforts are still needed in this aspect for high dams. After reviewing the high dam constructions in China and abroad, authors proposed some advices for the selection of dam types, and hope that it can provide some helpful information for the researches and the design of high dams.
  • 蒲家宁,陈明
    2009, 11(2): 36-42.

    在导管首端设置正弦脉冲流发生器,下游某处设置空气室,精心构建系统条件造成水力共振,使喷 嘴处脉冲射流的压力振幅大大提高。系统的数学物理模型用水力瞬变特征线有限差分方程建立,变时步方法解算。最优水力共振条件用Matlab直接搜索算法搜寻。正弦脉冲流发生器由恒流泵和正弦容积变化活塞 缸构成,电动活塞泵用凸轮传动给出恒定流量,活塞缸活塞用凸轮或曲轴连杆传动使缸容正弦变化。

  • Cai Qihua
    2009, 11(2): 41-46.
    Reservoir regulation process in the Yangtze River Basin is mainly divided into two types of flood regulation and initiating benefit regulation. The present reservoir management system and operation mode are mainly fro dealing with or coordinating of flood control and benefit initiation as well as benefit distribution among various beneficial functions. From the view point of river eco-system protection, the current regulation mode has two kinds of problems: firstly, most of the reservoir regulation plans do not consider eco-system protection at downstream of dams and needs of environment protection in reservoir areas; secondly, integrated regulation or management of water resources is ignored. It is very necessary to improve reservoir regulation mode, bearing problems faced by regulation of the Three Gorges Reservoir and issues related to cascade development and regulation in Tuojiang and Minjiang River Basins in mind. In accordance with the concept of scientific development, and the philosophy of “ensuring a healthy Yangtze River and promoting the harmony between human and water”, taking flood control, benefit initiation and eco-system as a whole, this paper put forward the basic consideration to improve reservoir regulation as follows: on the basis of requirements of eco-system protection at downstream of dams and needs of environment protection in reservoir areas, we should bring the functions of reservoir such as flood control and benefit initiation into full play, control the negative influence to the eco-system at downstream of dams and the environment in reservoir areas in an endurable scope, and restore the eco-system and the environment step by step. This paper put forward the relevant regulation process aiming at the idiographic problems such as protection of eco-system at downstream of dams and environment in reservoir areas, protection of aquatic wildlife species and fish species, regulation of sediment and protection of wetland.
  • 王世和,周飞,鄢璐
    2009, 11(2): 43-47.

    以自行开发的长纤维高速过滤器为对象,通过在净水厂长期的过滤试验,从过滤器床层孔隙分布、 床层内滤液浓度及各层比积泥量和水头损失沿滤层的变化等方面,详细分析了长纤维高速过滤器基于结构 上独特特点而形成的积泥逐层向滤床深处推移,直至整个滤床“衰竭”的典型深层过滤过程与特征,为过滤技 术的深度开发提供了依据。

  • Gu Hongbin, Yu Weiqi, Cui Lei
    2009, 11(2): 47-51.
    This article briefly introduced China law framework and technical standards related to environmental impacts assessment (EIA) for hydropower development, and the EIA developing process for hydropower development planning. Authors summarized the working experiences about hydropower development planning EIA done in the recent years in China, discussed the considerations and methods of hydropower development planning EIA, and put forward the index system for hydropower development planning EIA initially.
  • 张凯,马艳,谭云,梅军
    2009, 11(2): 48-52.

    采用加速老化试验方法对ZN-1阻尼橡胶材料的热氧老化性能进行了研究,获得了不同老化温度 及老化时间对硅橡胶泡沫材料力学性能及阻尼性能的影响规律。研究结果表明,随着老化温度的升高及老 化时间的延长, ZN-1的拉伸强度出现了先下降后升高的现象,而扯断伸长率则表现为单调下降的趋势。同 时,还研究了ZN-1阻尼橡胶材料在热氧老化条件下微观结构与性能变化之间的关系,得到了ZN- 1阻尼橡 胶材料的热老化机理。

  • Shi Yuanchun1, Li Shizhong2, Zhang Hanxing2
    2009, 11(2): 52-56.
    Biofuels are the current promising alternative to fossil fuels. However, the fluctuating food prices caused by oil price led to critics to biofuels. The paper surveyed biofuels production and grain production and consumption demand, and come to the concolusion that there was a little impact of corn ethanol on international food price, and there was no impact on China’s food prices. China has launched non-food biofuels development strategy to use marginal lands for growing hard crops, such as sweet sorghum, tuber crops, and switchgrass etc to produce biofuels without any impact on food security in the future.
  • 宋爱平,王隆太,李吉中,王树峰
    2009, 11(2): 53-59.

    从分析矩形薄板的受压失稳临界应力入手,提出在冲压成形板料的上下面设置弹性压板力,从而提 升板料的失稳临界应力,减少板料的受压屈曲与起皱。根据这个原理设计的新型冲压模具可有效地控制板 料的起皱,同时具有“一模多用”的作用。试验也表明,具有板面多点压板功能的冲压模具,可以显著地提升 板料的失稳临界应力,减少板料的起皱。

  • Shi Yuanchun1, Li Shizhong2, Liu Xuejun2
    2009, 11(2): 57-63.
    Positive development of renewable energy, saving and substitution of fossil energy, promotion of the energy structure adjustment are the inevitable strategy choices of China’s sustainable development. This paper discussed the China’s bioenergy resources status, development targets and technology development roadmaps. China has 136.140 million hm2 of marginal land, which distribute mainly in western and northern regions. There are 1 billion tons of crop residues and forestry waste annually, and 300 million tons can be used to produce different kinds of bioenergies. And organic waste and manure can generate 50 billion m3 of biogas. The discussed development target indicated that it can construct a Biomass Oilfield with a 100 million tons/year of capacity and reduce 200 million tons of CO2 emission by 2020. The bioenergy technology development roadmap indicated that the bioethanol mainly uses non grain starch and hemicellulose products as raw materials in the near-term (2006-2010). The biodiesel technology will focus on the advanced production technology, FT diesel, liquefaction of biomass and raw material production technology.
  • 邹安全,于琦,秦仲篪,杨芳,戴恩勇
    2009, 11(2): 60-64.

    订货模型存在于大多数的公司中,用以根据销售情况组织公司生产。供应链中的企业大多数是根 据销售组织生产的,企业中的订货模型尤为重要。以钢铁企业分销商订货模型为例,运用系统动力学方法分 析了该订货模型,并对现实情况进行了仿真分析,提出了钢铁企业分销商订货策略。

  • Zhuang Huiyong1,2, Zhang Yanru1
    2009, 11(2): 64-71.
    Facing the pressure of fossil energy exhaustion and environment pollution, people begin to search for clean and renewable energy to partly substitute fossil energy and realize sustainable development. As the fourth type of energy, biomass energy has many advantages: wide distribution, large quantity, being renewable, clean, can be stored and transported and so on. By adopting thermo-chemical and biochemical technologies, biomass energy can be converted to high quality solid, gaseous and liquid energy products, and provide convenient heat and power energy for human being’s production and daily life. In January 2006, China Renewable Energy Law began to be implemented, biomass energy power generation industry has been developing rapidly in China. This paper will present the status quo of biomass power generation industry in China and also introduce briefly the future development models.
  • 常海娟,刘猛,庞丽萍,杨鹏 ,王浚
    2009, 11(2): 65-69.

    用一年的时间随青藏铁路列车采集了2 882样本数据,随机抽取其中的1 693份,利用非参数检验及 相关分析的方法从统计学上对可能影响耐缺氧反应的因素做分析,最后发现以前到高原时缺氧反应严重程 度、性别、吸烟习惯、肥胖度、年龄5个因素对个体的抗缺氧能力有着不可忽视的影响。该结论不仅可以为减 少旅客高原反应提供指导性意见,为高原旅客列车供氧系统设计和改进提供重要依据,也可以为后续的医学 研究提供统计学基础。

  • 高朋,冯俊文
    2009, 11(2): 70-74.

    工程网络计划的基础是对各工序持续时间的估计,而导致工序工期不确定性的因素不仅具有随机性,通常也具有模糊性。文章提出一种具有LR型模糊数的线性规划模型,解决了工程网络计划的时间参数 估计和关键路径识别问题,并通过引入λ截集来充分描述决策者在不同情形下对工序工期估计的可信程度。 最后给出一实例详细说明了该方法的应用过程及有效性。

  • Zhao Yuwen1, Wang Sicheng2, Zhao Ying3
    2009, 11(2): 72-79.
    Chinese government has been devoting itself to the development of renewable energy sources. This paper discribes the history, achievement and future trends of photovoltaic technology, and suggestions are proposed for strengthening the R&D ability of China.
  • 林迪,沙学军,吴宣利,张乃通
    2009, 11(2): 75-81.

    为分析多径环境下脉冲超宽带跳时多址系统的传输性能,通过研究IEEE802.4.53a工作组给出的多 径信道参考模型,提出了一个同时存在符号间干扰、符号内多径干扰和多用户干扰的跳时超宽带系统相干解 调的性能分析模型,分别得到了符号内多径干扰、符号间干扰和多用户干扰的方差,且推导得到了系统的误 比特率计算公式,并用计算机仿真验证了公式的有效性。通过计算相邻多径的平均间隔,论证了符号内脉冲 自身多径的干扰是不可忽略的。在不同的信道环境下,以一定误码率要求作为衡量标准,比较了单用户系统 中仅考虑符号间干扰和同时考虑符号内多径干扰及符号间干扰的用户最高传输速率,并分析了多用户系统 中接入不同用户数时对应的平均传输速率的上限。

  • Yin Zhiqiang
    2009, 11(2): 80-85.
    China has an abundant solar energy resource. Solar thermal collectors, particularly all-glass evacuated tubular collectors, have been studied and developed for 30 years, and solar thermal industry has developed rapidly for 15 years. There are various solar thermal systems, with an operation area of around 108 million m2 in 2007. These systems mainly provide domestic hot water, but some other applications are under extensive study and development as well.
  • 徐雪松,宋东明,张谞,许满武,刘凤玉
    2009, 11(2): 82-87.

    为了提高高维数据集合离群数据挖掘效率,提出了一种基于流形学习的离群点检测算法。局部线性嵌入( locally linear embedding, LLE)算法是流形学习中有效的非线性降维方法,它的优势在于只定义唯一的 参数,即邻域数。根据LLE算法的思想寻找样本数据的内在嵌入分布,并通过邻域数选取和降维后数据点之 间的距离调整,提高了数据集中离群点发现效率,同时利用离群点权值判别式进行权值数据判定,根据权值 的大小标识出数据集中的离群点,仿真实验的结果表明了该方法能够有效地发现高维数据集中的离群点。 与此同时,该算法具有参数估计简单、参数影响不大等优点,该算法为离群点检测问题的机器学习提供了一 条新的途径。


  • Zheng Ruicheng
    2009, 11(2): 86-90.
    It is introduced the current situation and development for solar heating technology including passive solar heating and solar heating combisystems in China in this paper. Combined with the engineering application projects the author gives the technical and economic analysis of the passive solar and solar heating combisystems in China and concludes the developing obstacle and the spreading tactics for raising marketing of the solar heating in China.
  • 魏晓金,李静,何绪文
    2009, 11(2): 88-91.

    从活性污泥中筛选出一株能产高效絮凝剂的芽孢杆菌,对该菌产生的微生物絮凝剂进行了絮凝条 件及废水絮凝实验研究。结果表明,微生物絮凝剂最佳絮凝条件为:原水pH值7.0以上;助凝剂CaCl2 (1% 浓度)适宜投加量为 5.0 % ;发酵液的适宜投加量为0.2% ;发酵液较好的离心条件为n = 4000转/min, t = 30 min。在最佳絮凝条件下,该菌产生的微生物絮凝剂对多种废水净化效果明显。

  • Wang Ruzhu
    2009, 11(2): 91-96.
    This paper shows mainly the demonstration of solar air conditioning systems in China, which includes LiBr-H2O absorption cooling, silica gel-water adsorption chiller, desiccant cooling and hybrid integrated energy systems for buildings. The match of solar collector types and chiller types have been discussed and suggested
  • 龙翔
    2009, 11(2): 92-96.

    提出了工程师个人价值观、社会文化、技术效率和自然环境状况是制约和影响工程师伦理取向4个 关键因素的观点,并探讨、分析了这4个因素是如何对工程师的伦理选择和道德取向产生影响和作用的。