Topic: Technology of Landing Exploration in Lunar South Polar

Comprehensive Testing Technology for Multi Spacecraft Collaboration in Chang’E-7 Lunar Probe

  • Beijing Institute of Spacecraft System Engineering,Beijing 100094,China

Received date: 15 Jun 2023

Revised date: 30 Dec 2023

Published date: 25 Jan 2024


In response to the complex joint power supply testing mode, diverse inter spacecraft and ground communication scenarios, and high requirements for simulation flight test design and verification caused by the collaboration, high complexity, high coupling, and high intelligence of Chang’E-7 lunar probe, the difficulties in system level electrical testing were analyzed, and a digital testing and verification strategy for multi vehicle collaboration was proposed. It includes a model based intelligent safety auxiliary testing for multi device joint power supply, a multi scenario high autonomous measurement and control data transmission testing system based on multi-source data autonomous decision-making, and a flight program-simulation flight test design verification system, which changes the current situation where complex system level electrical testing mainly relies on manual or traditional single satellite automated testing technology. It was applied to the development of Chang’E-7 lunar probe, to provide strong support for fully verifying the correctness, consistency, and stability of the functions and electrical performance indicators of the lunar south pole probe, achieve comprehensive, reliable, and efficient testing and verification, and promote spacecraft testing to move further from traditional automated testing of single spacecraft to collaborative intelligent testing of multiple spacecraft.

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FU Xiaojing, CAI Xiaodong, LIU Yiming, TIAN Guoliang, WEN Xin . Comprehensive Testing Technology for Multi Spacecraft Collaboration in Chang’E-7 Lunar Probe[J]. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2023 , 10(6) : 577 -585 . DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2096-9287.2023.20230103


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