The miniature and integrated design is a main trend in science payload development for deep space. An integrated ion and neutral particle analyzer is built for Chinese Mars exploration project. The measurements of ion and energetic neutral atom share the sensor and electronics and are integrated in a single instrument with lower mass and power. Electrostatic analyzing method is used to measure the ions'energy and direction. Time of flight method is used to measure the ions species. The energetic neutral atoms are ionized firstly and the same measurement method with ions. The qualification model is calibrated and the results fulfill the requirements for the Mars project.
KONG Linggao, ZHANG Aibing, TIAN Zheng, ZHENG Xiangzhi, WANG Wenjing, LIU Yong, DING Jianjing
. Integrated Ion and Neutral Particle Analyzer for Chinese Mars Mission[J]. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2019
, 6(2)
: 142
DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2095-7777.2019.02.005
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