The latest innovations of the Long March 8 (LM-8) launch vehicle is reviewed. The LM-8 launcher fully inherits the achievements of Chinese in-service rockets and the new generation rockets, and focuses on launching satellites to the sun-synchronous orbit (700-1 000 km), taking into account the launch services for LEO and GTO satellites. The LM-8 launcher is available in both combinatorial and integrative configurations for a variety of missions. In order to enhance market competitiveness, a series of innovative practices have been taken, including agile manufacturing, system integration, responsive launch, autonomous and unattended operation, and simplified launch site infrastructure. In response to the future trend of intelligent rockets, the autonomous technologies are explored for LM-8, such as onboard dynamic trajectory planning, active control of take-off drift, and automated launch window correction. It also paves the way for reusable launcher in steps, conducts the demonstration for vertical landing with side and core boosters strapped together, and makes progresses in large-scale light landing mechanism, autonomous guidance method, etc. These innovations eventually build the LM-8 into a new generation of medium rocket with high cost-effective performance, good usability, and high reliability and safety.
SONG Zhengyu, WU Yitian, XU Shanshu, CHEN Xiaofei, XIAO Yun
. LM-8: the Pioneer of Long March Rocket Series on the Innovations of Commercialization and Intelligence[J]. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2021
, 8(1)
: 3
DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2096-9287.2021.20200009
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