A control method of sleep-reboot in complex lunar far-side environment is proposed in this paper for solving Yutu-2 lunar rover sleep-reboot control problem under contraints conditions of complex terrain and relay communication. A skyline sensing method based on the sequence imaging of the monocular camera is proposed to realize the occlusion analysis,a lunar attitude prediction method is proposed to realize the calculation of sleepable attitude and control strategy for a given location,a sleepability analysis index and a visualization comprehensive analysis method are proposed to assist in finding alternative sleep locations. Finally,the implementation mode of sleep-reboot on-orbit is designed and presented. The Yutu-2 on-orbit implementation performance proves the validity of the control method and the effectiveness of the process.
ZHANG Kuan, LU Hao, LI Lichun, YU Tianyi, ZHANG Hui, XIE Jianfeng
. A Control Method of Sleep-Reboot in the Complex Lunar Far-Side Environment of Yutu-2[J]. Journal of Deep Space Exploration, 2021
, 8(6)
: 555
DOI: 10.15982/j.issn.2096-9287.2021.20210054
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