Maxillary denture flange and occlusal discrepancies of Vertex ThermoSens in comparison with conventional heat-cured denture base materials

Hanadi A. Lamfon, Ibrahim M. Hamouda

Journal of Biomedical Research ›› 2019, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (2) : 139-144.

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Journal of Biomedical Research ›› 2019, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (2) : 139-144. DOI: 10.7555/JBR.32.20160132
Original Article
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Maxillary denture flange and occlusal discrepancies of Vertex ThermoSens in comparison with conventional heat-cured denture base materials

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This study was conducted to investigate the maxillary denture bases and occlusal discrepancies using the Vertex Thermosens in comparison with the conventional polymethyl-methacrylate materials. Twenty maxillary denture bases were prepared from the Vertex ThermoSens and a conventional heat-cured denture base materials. Acrylic maxillary second molars were arranged in their respective positions on the ridge. After curing of both types of denture bases, they were deflasked with their respective master casts. Reference points were prepared for measurements of the antero-posterior and cross-arch dimensions at the denture borders using caliper device. Furthermore, the teeth discrepancies were measured between reference points in the ligual aspect of the second maxillary molars. The recorded data was analyzed using SPSS statistical software version 20. The results showed initial shrinkage of both denture bases in the antero-posterior and cross-arch dimensions immediately after decasting. This contraction was compensated gradually during storage in water up to 2 weeks. Regarding the variable time, there was a significant difference between the tested materials. Moreover, the results revealed occlusal discrepancies and shifting of teeth inward immediately after decasting, followed by outward movement after storage in water for 2 weeks. Regarding the variables time and materials, there were significant differences. Both materials exhibited inward shrinkage in the antero-posterior and cross-arch dimensions immediately after decasting. Both denture bases showed inward shifting of teeth immediately after decasting, followed by outward movement after storage in water up to 2 weeks.


denture distortion / flange discrepancy / acrylic resin / occlusal discrepancies / denture base

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Hanadi A. Lamfon, Ibrahim M. Hamouda. Maxillary denture flange and occlusal discrepancies of Vertex ThermoSens in comparison with conventional heat-cured denture base materials. Journal of Biomedical Research, 2019, 33(2): 139‒144


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