Multifunctional quantum dots and liposome complexes in drug delivery

Qi Wang, Yimin Chao

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Journal of Biomedical Research ›› 2018, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (2) : 91-106. DOI: 10.7555/JBR.31.20160146
Review Article
Review Article

Multifunctional quantum dots and liposome complexes in drug delivery

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Incorporating both diagnostic and therapeutic functions into a single nanoscale system is an effective modern drug delivery strategy. Combining liposomes with semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) has great potential to achieve such dual functions, referred to in this review as a liposomal QD hybrid system (L-QD). Here we review the recent literature dealing with the design and application of L-QD for advances in bio-imaging and drug delivery. After a summary of L-QD synthesis processes and evaluation of their properties, we will focus on their multifunctional applications, ranging from in vitro cell imaging to theranostic drug delivery approaches.


liposomes / quantum dots / nanomedicine / drug delivery

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Qi Wang, Yimin Chao. Multifunctional quantum dots and liposome complexes in drug delivery. Journal of Biomedical Research, 2018, 32(2): 91‒106


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