In silico prediction of monovalent and chimeric tetravalent vaccines for prevention and treatment of dengue fever

Vijayakumar Subramaniyan, Ramesh Venkatachalam, Prabhu Srinivasan, Manogar Palani

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Journal of Biomedical Research ›› 2018, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (3) : 222-236. DOI: 10.7555/JBR.31.20160109
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In silico prediction of monovalent and chimeric tetravalent vaccines for prevention and treatment of dengue fever

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Reverse vaccinology method was used to predict the monovalent peptide vaccine candidate to produce antibodies for therapeutic purpose and to predict tetravalent vaccine candidate to act as a common vaccine to cover all the dengue virus serotypes. Envelope (E)-proteins of DENV-1-4 serotypes were used for vaccine prediction using NCBI, Uniprot/Swissprot, Swiss-prot viewer, VaxiJen V2.0, TMHMM, BCPREDS, Propred-1, Propred and MHC Pred. E-proteins of DENV-1-4 serotypes were identified as antigen from which T cell epitopes, through B cell epitopes, were predicted to act as peptide vaccine candidates. Each selected T cell epitope of E-protein was confirmed to act as vaccine and to induce complementary antibody against particular serotype of dengue virus. Chimeric tetravalent vaccine was formed by the conjugation of four vaccines, each from four dengue serotypes to act as a common vaccine candidate for all the four dengue serotypes. It can be justifiably concluded that the monovalent 9-mer T cell epitope for each DENV serotype can be used to produce specific antibody against dengue virus and a chimeric common tetravalent vaccine candidate to yield a comparative vaccine to cover any of the four dengue virus serotype. This vaccine is expected to be highly immunogenic against dengue fever.


dengue serotypes / dengue virus / vaccine / E-proteins / MHC I and II

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Vijayakumar Subramaniyan, Ramesh Venkatachalam, Prabhu Srinivasan, Manogar Palani. In silico prediction of monovalent and chimeric tetravalent vaccines for prevention and treatment of dengue fever. Journal of Biomedical Research, 2018, 32(3): 222‒236


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The authors are grateful to the DST-SERB (SB/YS/LS-109/2014) for providing financial assistance in this project. We specially express our thanks to the management of A.V.V.M. Sri Pushpam College (Autonomous), Poondi, for providing them necessary facilities and support to carry out this work.


2018 2018 by the Journal of Biomedical Research.
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