Genome variation and LTR-RT analyses of an ancient peach landrace reveal mechanism of blood-flesh fruit color formation and fruit maturity date advancement

Jiao Wang, Ke Cao, Yong Li, Jinlong Wu, Wenqing Li, Qi Wang, Gengrui Zhu, Weichao Fang, Changwen Chen, Xinwei Wang, Wenxuan Dong, Weisheng Liu, Lirong Wang

Horticulture Research ›› 2024, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (1) : 265. DOI: 10.1093/hr/uhad265

Genome variation and LTR-RT analyses of an ancient peach landrace reveal mechanism of blood-flesh fruit color formation and fruit maturity date advancement

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Peach (Prunus persica) landrace has typical regional characteristics, strong environmental adaptability, and contains many valuable genes that provide the foundation for breeding excellent varieties. Therefore, it is necessary to assemble the genomes of specific landraces to facilitate the localization and utilization of these genes. Here, we de novo assembled a high-quality genome from an ancient blood-fleshed Chinese landrace Tianjin ShuiMi (TJSM) that originated from the China North Plain. The assembled genome size was 243.5 Mb with a contig N50 of 23.7 Mb and a scaffold N50 of 28.6 Mb. Compared with the reported peach genomes, our assembled TJSM genome had the largest number of specific structural variants (SVs) and long terminal repeat-retrotransposons (LTR-RTs). Among the LTR-RTs with the potential to regulate their host genes, we identified a 6688 bp LTR-RT (named it blood TE) in the promoter of NAC transcription factor-encoding PpBL, a gene regulating peach blood-flesh formation. The blood TE was not only co-separated with the blood-flesh phenotype but also associated with fruit maturity date advancement and different intensities of blood-flesh color formation. Our findings provide new insights into the mechanism underlying the development of the blood-flesh color and determination of fruit maturity date and highlight the potential of the TJSM genome to mine more variations related to agronomic traits in peach fruit.

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Jiao Wang, Ke Cao, Yong Li, Jinlong Wu, Wenqing Li, Qi Wang, Gengrui Zhu, Weichao Fang, Changwen Chen, Xinwei Wang, Wenxuan Dong, Weisheng Liu, Lirong Wang. Genome variation and LTR-RT analyses of an ancient peach landrace reveal mechanism of blood-flesh fruit color formation and fruit maturity date advancement. Horticulture Research, 2024, 11(1): 265


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