Sb2Se3 film with grain size over 10 μm toward X-ray detection

  • Chong WANG 1 ,
  • Xinyuan DU 1 ,
  • Siyu WANG 1 ,
  • Hui DENG 1,2 ,
  • Chao CHEN 1 ,
  • Guangda NIU , 1 ,
  • Jincong PANG 1 ,
  • Kanghua LI 1 ,
  • Shuaicheng LU 1 ,
  • Xuetian LIN 1 ,
  • Haisheng SONG 1 ,
  • Jiang TANG , 1
  • 1. Sargent Joint Research Center, Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics (WNLO), School of Optical and Electronic Information, Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), Wuhan 430074, China
  • 2. College of Physics and Information Engineering, Institute of Micro-Nano Devices and Solar Cells, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350108, China

Received date: 01 Jul 2020

Accepted date: 29 Oct 2020

Published date: 15 Sep 2021


2020 Higher Education Press


Direct X-ray detectors are considered as competitive next-generation X-ray detectors because of their high spatial resolution, high sensitivity, and simple device configuration. However, their potential is largely limited by the imperfections of traditional materials, such as the low crystallization temperature of α-Se and the low atomic numbers of α-Si and α-Se. Here, we report the Sb2Se3 X-ray thin-film detector with a p–n junction structure, which exhibited a sensitivity of 106.3 µC/(Gyair·cm2) and response time of <2.5 ms. This decent performance and the various advantages of Sb2Se3, such as the average atomic number of 40.8 and μτ product (μ is the mobility, and τ is the carrier lifetime) of 1.29 × 10−5 cm2/V, indicate its potential for application in X-ray detection.

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Chong WANG , Xinyuan DU , Siyu WANG , Hui DENG , Chao CHEN , Guangda NIU , Jincong PANG , Kanghua LI , Shuaicheng LU , Xuetian LIN , Haisheng SONG , Jiang TANG . Sb2Se3 film with grain size over 10 μm toward X-ray detection[J]. Frontiers of Optoelectronics, 2021 , 14(3) : 341 -351 . DOI: 10.1007/s12200-020-1064-5

1 Introduction

X-ray detection plays an irreplaceable role in various fields, such as medical radiography, materials characterization, and non-destructive testing of chips and constructions [1,2]. There are two main detection approaches: indirect detection and direct detection [3,4]. In the indirect system, scintillators are utilized to convert high-energy X-ray photons into low-energy visible photons that can be detected by photodetectors [5,6]. Conversely, in the direct system, X-ray photons are directly converted into electrical signals by absorber materials, which is beneficial for high sensitivity and good spatial resolution [7,8]. The commonly used amorphous Se-based direct X-ray detectors are restricted by their low atomic numbers (Z = 34), low carrier mobility, and short carrier lifetime [9,10]. Recently, metal halide perovskites were reported as potential direct X-ray detectors, considering the incorporation of high-Z elements (Pb, Bi, etc.) and long carrier lifetime [4,6]. However, the serious ionic migration under an electric field and the toxicity of lead still impede their practical applications [6,11,12].
Antimony selenide (Sb2Se3), a non-toxic and stable V–VI group semiconductor with the band gap (Eg) of ~1.1 eV, has a low melting point (~610°C) and a high vapor pressure (3.48 × 103 Pa at 600°C), which enables the convenient deposition of large-area and uniform films [13,14]. Sb (Z = 51) has a larger atomic number than Se (Z = 34), which is beneficial for the absorption of X-rays. The low band gap also results in a low generation threshold of electron–hole pairs (W = Eg + 1.43) [3]. Besides the advantages in the carrier generation process, the decent μτ product (μ is the mobility, and τ is the carrier lifetime) of Sb2Se3 was determined to be ~10−5 cm2/V. In addition, its one-dimensional structure can suppress the crosstalk between adjacent pixels to strengthen the advantage of direct system in resolution [8]. All these features portend Sb2Se3 as an alternative absorber material for application in X-ray detectors.
Hence, in this study, we fabricated a Sb2Se3 thin-film X-ray detector. The Sb2Se3 film was deposited by the close-spaced sublimation (CSS) method, resulting in a high-quality film with a large grain size of >10 µm. Further, the Sb2Se3/TiO2 p–n junction structure was introduced into the device to efficiently suppress the dark current and achieve a high sensitivity of 106.3 µC/(Gyair·cm2) under an applied bias of −1 V. Because of the decent μτ product and thin absorber layer, in addition to the built-in electric field in the p–n junction, our Sb2Se3 device showed a 3 dB cutoff frequency of >400 Hz, which is higher than the normal requirement of 30 Hz in dynamic digital radiography [15,16]. We believe that our work would pave the way for the potential applications of Sb2Se3 in X-ray detection.

2 Experimental details

2.1 Device fabrication

The TiO2 film was deposited on a cleaned fluorine-doped tin oxide (FTO) conductive glass by the spray pyrolysis method following procedures in Refs. [17,18]. The annealing temperature was set to 550°C. Subsequently, the Sb2Se3 layer was deposited in a homemade CSS system, modified from a rapid thermal processing instrument (OTF-1200, Hefei Kejing Materials Technology Co., Ltd.). A cleaned white glass (5 cm × 5 cm) uniformly covered with 0.4 g of Sb2Se3 powder (99.999%, Jiangxi Ketai Advanced Materials Co., Ltd.) was placed on an aluminum nitride ceramic plate as the source. The FTO/TiO2 was face-down mounted above the powder as the substrate and was covered by a graphite block (10 cm × 6 cm × 1 cm) to maintain the temperature. The whole deposition process was conducted under a vacuum of ~5 × 10−3 Torr. First, the temperature of the substrate was increased to 400°C in 60 s and maintained for 15 min to ensure a stable high substrate temperature. Thereafter, the temperature of the source was increased to 600°C in 60 s, and the evaporation only continued for 30 s. Finally, the sample was taken out after cooling to room temperature and was subsequently thermally evaporated with an Au electrode (area: 0.09 cm2).

2.2 Growth of Sb2Se3 single crystal

The melt growth of the Sb2Se3 single crystal was based on a reported method [19]. The internal diameter of our ampoule was 8 mm, and the furnace was a two-zone vertical Bridgman furnace (OTF-1200X-S-VT-BMGH, Hefei Kejing Materials Technology Co., Ltd.). The peak temperature was set to 624.7°C to guarantee the sufficient melting of Sb2Se3. The temperature gradient was ~5 °C/cm, and the ampoule moving speed was 117 nm/s. After approximately 7 days, we obtained a Sb2Se3 single crystal in the ampoule. The crystal was cut into ~1-mm-thick slices and subsequently evaporated with an Au electrode on both sides after polishing with a 7000-M sandpaper. The thickness of the crystal slice used in the test was measured as 900 µm, and the Au electrode area was 0.04 cm2. All the photos are shown in Fig. S1.

2.3 Measurement and characterization

X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns were measured using an X-ray diffractometer with Cu–Kα radiation (Empyrean, PANalytical B.V.). The surface morphology and cross section of the devices were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM, FEI Nova NanoSEM450). We used an Au anode X-ray tube (Newton Scientific M237) as the source with a maximum output of 10 W and a X-ray focal spot size of 5 µm. The X-ray source was operated with a constant acceleration voltage of 50 kV. The dose rate was modulated by changing the X-ray tube current and was calibrated with a Radcal ion chamber (model: 10 × 6–180) dosimeter. An electrometer (Keithley 2635 Source Meter) was employed to measure the current–voltage (IV) curve and the X-ray response current. For the 3dB cutoff frequency (f3 dB) measurement, a bias of −4 V was applied to the device using a low-noise current amplifier (SR570), and the output was connected to the oscilloscope (Keysight DSOS054A). SR570 worked in the high bandwidth mode without requiring any filter. For the X-ray response, an optical chopper with lead plates was used to cut off the X-ray source and provide periodic X-ray exposure. To measure the μτ product, a 532-nm laser was used, and the response was measured by an Agilent B1500A analyzer. All measurements were carried out at room temperature.

3 Results and discussion

The performance of a direct X-ray detector is mainly determined by two processes: X-ray absorption and carrier transportation. X-ray photons have considerably higher energy than visible light photons (more than 10000 times higher); consequently, they mainly interact with inner-shell electrons, whereas the visible photons interact with valance electrons [2,4]. Thus, the X-ray absorption coefficient (α) is highly related to the number of inner electrons and can be approximately defined by the formula, αρ Z4/E3 (where ρ is the mass density, Z is the average atomic number, and E is the energy of X-ray photons) [3]. For Sb2Se3, the average atomic number is 40.8, and the density is 5.84 g/cm3, which are both larger than those of α-Si (Z = 14, ρ= 2.28 g/cm3) [20,21] and α-Se (Z = 34, ρ = 4.26 g/cm3) [2224], two main commercial flat-panel X-ray detector materials. The absorption coefficients of these three materials in the radiation energy range of 0.01–100 MeV (Fig. 1(a)) were calculated according to the photon cross section database [25]. Apart from the small region around 0.02 MeV, which is attributed to the resonant absorption at the K-edge of Se atoms, the absorption coefficient of Sb2Se3 is higher than that of the other two materials across the range. Figure 1(b) shows the attenuation ratio of these three materials with different film thicknesses under 30 keV X-ray photons, which is the peak of our X-ray source spectrum. Undoubtedly, Sb2Se3 films of the same thickness can absorb more X-ray irradiation, because the corresponding absorption coefficient of Sb2Se3 is the highest among the three materials.
For the carrier transport process, the μτ product is the key parameter that directly affects the collection of photo-generated carriers. To obtain this parameter, we produced an Sb2Se3 single crystal, which is preferred for μτ product measurement [26,27], and cut it into 900-µm-thick slices. Thereafter, we derived the μτ product employing the following modified Hecht equation to fit the photoconductivity, which is widely used in single-crystalline radiation detectors [8,28]:
I= I 0μ τVd21exp(d2μτV)1+dVsμ,
where I0 is the saturated photocurrent, V is the bias voltage, and d is the thickness. As shown in Fig. 1(c), the μτ product value of Sb2Se3 is calculated as 1.29 × 10−5 cm2/V.
Fig.1 (a) Absorption coefficients of Sb2Se3, α-Se, and α-Si at an X-ray photon energy range of 0.01–100 MeV. (b) Absorption efficiencies of Sb2Se3, α-Se, and α-Si toward 30 keV X-ray photons, as a function of the film thickness. (c) Bias-dependent photocurrent of the Sb2Se3 single crystal slice under 532-nm laser light

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Beyond that, the Sb2Se3 film is composed of one-dimensional (Sb4Se6)n chains [29]. In this structure, it has strong covalent bonds along the [001] axis, whereas only weak Van der Waals interactions are present in the [100] and [010] axes. Thus, the carrier mobility along [001] has been reported to be 2–4 times larger than that along the [100] or [010] axes [30], which leads to the anisotropic current ratio of ~2.5 measured on an Sb2Se3 nanosheet [31]. When the film is [hk1]-oriented (inclined to the substrate) or even [001]-oriented (vertical to the substrate), the crosstalk between adjacent pixels can be effectively reduced, leading to a high spatial resolution.
To build a prototype X-ray detector, we subsequently attempted to deposit a Sb2Se3 film because it is easier to fabricate a large-area flat-panel detector than a single crystal. For one, the grain of the Sb2Se3 film is expected to be adequately large so that its quality is similar to that of the single crystal. For another, the Sb2Se3 film should have a [hk1]-dominant orientation to improve the carrier transportation efficiency and reduce crosstalk. However, the deposition of this optimal Sb2Se3 film is significantly challenging. The one-dimensional structure facilitates growth along the chains, as the Sb–Se bond energy along the chains is considerably larger than the Van der Waals force between the chains [32]. Thus, when the film has an [hk1]-dominant orientation, it usually shows rod-like or sheet-like grains rather than compact large grains [33,34]. These rod-like or sheet-like films have roughness of hundreds of nanometers and are unsuitable for application in detectors. As far as we know, the largest grain size of smooth and compact Sb2Se3 films ever reported is ~1–2 µm [32,3537].
Fig.2 (a) Schematic illustration of the homemade close-spaced sublimation (CSS) system. (b) Device architecture of the Sb2Se3 heterojunction thin-film X-ray detector

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To overcome this challenge, the CSS method (Fig. 2(a)) was chosen, because the unique structural design of the CSS equipment can promote a high deposition rate, which is essential for increasing the size of [hk1]-oriented grains [32]. First, the equipment has two independent pairs of heaters and thermal couples for controlling the temperatures of the substrate and source, respectively. Therefore, we can achieve a large temperature difference between the source and substrate, which would result in a high deposition rate. Second, the short distance between the source and substrate can effectively prevent the diffusion of Sb2Se3 vapor and further improve the deposition rate. In addition, the nucleation site density has been proven to significantly influence the Sb2Se3 grain size [38]. Thus, we chose the TiO2 film as the substrate, on which Phillips et al. obtained a Sb2Se3 film with a 2-µm grain size by the CSS method [35]. Our device structure was designed as illustrated in Fig. 2(b). To further enlarge the grain, we increased the annealing temperature of the TiO2 layer from 450°C to 550°C. The layer annealed at 550°C was more inert and was newly reported to support the fabrication of Sb2S3 films with a large grain size of 10 µm [18], which has a similar one-dimensional structure with that of Sb2Se3. The results also revealed that the TiO2 layer annealed at 550°C had a higher crystallinity and smoother surface than that at 450°C (Fig. S2).
Fig.3 Film deposition and characterization. (a) Top-down and (b) cross-sectional scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images of the large grain Sb2Se3 film on the TiO2/FTO substrate (substrate temperature: 400°C, source temperature: 600°C). (c) X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern of the large grain Sb2Se3 film and the corresponding Sb2Se3 standard powder diffraction pattern (JCPDS 15-0861). The (hk1) planes inclined to the substrate are signaled in red, whereas the black labels show the parallel (hk0) planes. Top-down SEM images of the Sb2Se3 film with source temperatures of (d) 590°C and (e) 610°C (substrate temperature: 400°C)

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During the film deposition process, the substrate temperature was set to 400°C to further decrease the nuclei density. This high substrate temperature can also supply enough energy to promote the bonding process between the substrate and the Sb2Se3 chains, which can enhance the formation of [hk1]-oriented nuclei. Subsequently, by setting the source temperature to 600°C to ensure a sufficient deposition rate, we successfully obtained the Sb2Se3 film with a grain size of 10–20 µm. As shown in Fig. 3(a), the grains are compact and without pinholes. Further, they are more than ten times larger than the normal Sb2Se3 grains. From the cross-sectional SEM image (Fig. 3(b)), it can be observed that the thickness of the film reaches 5–6 µm. There is no discernible grain boundary within the large grains, which indicates that they are not composed of small grains but indeed single large grains. In addition, the corresponding XRD pattern (Fig. 3(c)) supports that the (hk1) peaks are dominant. The three strongest peaks are in order of (141), (061), and (041), which agrees well with the reported common orientation of Sb2Se3 films deposited at high substrate temperatures [32].
As a reference, under the same condition, we fabricated a Sb2Se3 film on a TiO2 layer annealed at 450°C. The film exhibited a sheet-like morphology (Fig. S3) due to the relatively high nuclei density, attributed to the high number of nucleation sites. A similar sheet-like morphology was also obtained when the substrate temperature was decreased to 380°C (Fig. S4), which is also due to the relatively high nuclei density. Conversely, when we slightly changed the source temperature, the film morphology changed significantly. The film deposited at 590°C has noticeably small grains and is discontinuous (Fig. 3(d)). The low source temperature cannot supply sufficient Sb2Se3 vapor to complete the re-evaporation of the Sb2Se3 film at a high substrate temperature. On the contrary, as Fig. 3(e) shows, the relatively high source temperature (610°C) results in large grains co-existing with many small grains, because the excessive supply of Sb2Se3 vapor facilitates the formation of new nuclei. These results highlight the requirements for obtaining an ideal Sb2Se3 film for X-ray detection: (a) an inert substrate, (b) a high substrate temperature, and (c) an appropriate source temperature.
Fig.4 X-ray detection performance. (a) Current–voltage (IV) curve of devices with the structure of Au/Sb2Se3/TiO2/FTO/glass. The anode was connected to the Au side. (b) Device response to X-rays (dose rate: 5.499 µGyair/s) under a bias of −1 V. (c) Photocurrent of the detector under different dose rates (bias: −1 V). (d) X-ray sensitivity of the detector under different biases (dose rate: 5.499 µGyair/s). (e) Calculated depletion region width in the Sb2Se3/TiO2 junction versus the bias voltage. (f) Normalized responsivity of the device varies with the input X-ray frequency (bias: −4 V)

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On the basis of the optimized Sb2Se3 film, we built a direct X-ray detector and measured its performance. As the IV curve shows (see Fig. 4(a)), the dark current density is over 10 mA/cm2 under a positive bias, whereas under a negative bias, the current density significantly drops to ~10−3 mA/cm2. The high rectification ratio of ~10000 indicates the good p–n junction quality of our device. The current in the negative bias range is almost a horizontal line, which suggests that there is almost no leaking channel in our device. This provides a stable working state for X-ray detection. As shown in Fig. 4(b), the dark current was ~91.2 nA when the device was operating under −1 V bias. After the X-ray was turned on with a dose rate of 5.499 mGyair/s, the device obtained a photocurrent of ~143.8 nA. The corresponding sensitivity was calculated to be 106.3 µC/(Gyair·cm2), which is more than five times that of α-Se X-ray detectors (22 µC/(Gyair·cm2)) [39]. The stability and radiation hardness of our device were also tested (Fig. S6). After storing in air for more than half a year or exposing to nearly 900 Gyair X-ray radiation, the dark current and sensitivity of our devices exhibited almost no change.
By adjusting the operating current of the X-ray tube, the response for different X-ray dose rates was also investigated under the same −1 V bias. The results are shown in Fig. 4(c), which suggest that our device has significant linearity in the X-ray dose rate range of 0.5–5.5 mGyair/s. Furthermore, we tested the sensitivity of the device under different biases ranging from 0 to −10 V. As shown in Fig. 4(d), with the enhancement of the bias, the sensitivity of our device gradually increased and finally reached ~240 µC/(Gyair·cm2) under −9 V bias, which is 12 times that of α-Se detectors.
Compared with photoconductive detectors, our detector has an internal depletion region, in which carriers are depleted under the built-in electric field. When X-ray irradiation occurs, the electron–hole pairs generated therein are quickly separated and drifted by the built-in electric field. Thus, the carrier recombination can be remarkably decreased, which implies that more photo-generated carriers can be collected by the electrodes. In addition, under the reverse bias, the built-in electric field is further strengthened, and the width of the depletion region expands. Therefore, the stronger the applied reverse bias, the higher the carrier collection efficiency and detection sensitivity of our devices.
To demonstrate the effect of the depletion region, we calculated the depletion region width (XD) of the device under different biases (V). A common model of an abrupt junction was assumed, in which TiO2 was considered as heavily doped; thus, the depletion region was all in the Sb2Se3 side. The equation is as follows [40]:
XD χ p= 2εrε0(VDV)qNA,
where cp is the depletion region width in the p-type side; e0 is the vacuum permittivity, which equals 8.85 × 10−14 F/cm; er is the relative permittivity of the p-type material, and here, we use 19 for Sb2Se3 [30]; VD is the contact electric potential difference, and here, we use the reported middle value (0.5 V) for Sb2Se3 [41,42]; q is the charge of one electron, which equals 1.6 × 10−14 C; NA is the acceptor dopant concentration of the p-type material, and here, we use 1013 cm−3 for Sb2Se3 [30]. As Fig. 4(e) shows, with an increase in the applied bias, the depletion region width, and device sensitivity exhibit similar trends, which fully illustrate the importance of the designed p–n junction structure for sensitivity enhancement.
In addition, the p–n junction structure has a significant effect on the response speed of our device. As mentioned above, after applying the reverse bias, the depletion region widens, but the total transportation distance of the photo-generated carriers remains fixed. Thus, the proportion of drift motion under the built-in electric field increases. This can shorten the carrier transit time, because the carrier drift speed in the depletion region is much higher than the diffusion speed in the neutral region. More importantly, because of the high drift speed provided by the built-in electric field, carriers have a low probability to be caught in traps. Thus, the relaxation time of both the rising and falling edges in the response curve can be greatly reduced, resulting in an increased response speed, even with the same trap concentration. We attempted to measure the response speed of our device by varying the frequency of the X-ray signal, which was controlled using a modified chopper with lead chips. However, because of the speed limit of our chopper, the highest X-ray frequency we could achieve was 400 Hz. As shown in Fig. 4(f), at this frequency, the normalized responsivity of our device was 0.775, which is still higher than the 3 dB line (~0.707). Therefore, we conclude that the 3 dB cutoff frequency of our device is higher than 400 Hz, and the corresponding response time is<2.5 ms.
Tab.1 Comparison of several film-based direct X-ray detectors
material thickness/μm voltage/V X-ray energy/keV sensitivity/(μC·Gyaircm2) response speed/ms Ref.
CsPbBr3 240 1.2 50 55684 92 [43]
MAPbI3 830 200 100 11000 ~10 [1]
CdZnTe 300 120 80 1440 NA [44]
a-Se 200 2000 60 22 NA [39]
TIPS-pentacene1) 0.1 0.2 35 0.77 NA [45]
TIPS-pentacene:PS transistor structure 35 1300 NA [46]
a-Ga2O3 0.25 50 40 6.8 NA [47]
MAPbI3 0.6 0 75 1.5 NA [48]
(BA)2(MA)2Pb3I10 0.47 0.5 10.91 13 NA [49]
triple cation perovskite2) 0.45 0.4 35 97 NA [50]
triple cation perovskite3) 3.7 0.1 70 59.9 NA [51]
Sb2Se3 5 -1 50 106.3 <2.5 this work

Notes: 1) bis (triisopropylsilylethynyl) pentacene; 2) Cs0.05FA0.79MA0.16Pb (I0.8Br0.2)3; 3) Cs0.05FA0.79MA0.16Pb (I0.8Br0.2)3

To identify the potential application field of our Sb2Se3 X-ray detector, we compared the parameters of several film-based direct X-ray detectors (Table 1). Although some newly developed perovskite and traditional CdZnTe X-ray detectors have a higher sensitivity than our device due to their high atomic number, our device has a thinner active layer. Thin-film X-ray detectors have been attracting increasing attention [45,52], and researchers are aiming to achieve flexibility, large-area, light weight, low bias, and low cost [47,50]. These detectors demonstrate unique superiority in various applications, such as the detection of cracked oil pipelines, dental radiography, portable security devices, and space exploration missions [5154]. In this niche application, common materials such as α-Se, organic materials, and metal oxide materials all have lower average atomic numbers than Sb2Se3 and result in relatively low sensitivities. Moreover, compared with the perovskite-based thin-film X-ray detectors, our Sb2Se3 device has no ionic migration; thus, a relatively high bias can be applied, resulting in a high sensitivity.

4 Conclusions

The X-ray detector application of Sb2Se3 was explored, due to its strengths over commercialized α-Se and α-Si, such as its larger atomic number, higher mass density, and lower generation threshold of electron–hole pairs. The inert TiO2 substrate and high substrate temperature to reduce nucleation density, along with a high source temperature to regulate orientation and morphology, were applied together to modify the CSS process and produce an Sb2Se3 film with a grain size of 10–20 µm. This successful experience can be expanded to other low-dimension materials, although the same challenge may be faced in the deposition of large grain films. Meanwhile, the introduction of the p–n junction structure efficiently reduced the dark current and enhanced the device performance. Finally, our Sb2Se3 thin-film X-ray detector exhibited a sensitivity of 106.3 µC/(Gyair·cm2) and a response frequency of >400 Hz. These adequate performances and the unique one-dimensional structure of Sb2Se3 demonstrated its significant application potential in X-ray detection.


This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61725401 and 61904058), the National Key R&D Program of China (No. 2016YFA0204000), the Innovation Fund of Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics (WNLO), the National Postdoctoral Program for Innovative Talent (No. BX20190127), and China Postdoctoral Science Foundation Project (No. 2019M662623). The authors thank the Analytical and Testing Center of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) and the facility support of the Center for Nanoscale Characterization and Devices, WNLO-HUST.
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